Analysis of DST to predict oil sand: A case study of Kailashtilla field
Well log, DST, pressure buildup, wellbore storage, average reservoir pressureAbstract
Drill Stem Test (DST) describes the dynamic characteristic of the hydrocarbon bearing formation such as wellbore storage, skin effect, permeability, average reservoir pressure and reservoir boundary. The wellbore storage effect and average reservoir pressure help to predict the flowing phase from the reservoir. An effort has been made to analyze the DST conducted in the Kailashtilla field at the depth interval 3261 meter to 3266 meter in well KTL-7. Two sets of pressure profile have been recorded. First conditioning the well for an hour then performed drawdown following pressure build-up. The pressure signature of the buildup period and its derivative is plotted on semi-log and log-log coordinates to develop Horner and diagnostic plots, respectively. Wellbore storage, skin and transient flow effects have been observed in the DST analysis which is an indication of the hydrocarbon bearing reservoir in the zone of interest. The value of wellbore storage effect is low which predicts the flow of liquid hydrocarbon into the well bore from the reservoir. Average pressure of the investigated zone has been estimated which is higher than the water column pressure. The higher average reservoir pressure also authenticates the presence of oil reservoir.
Bangladesh J. Sci. Res. 29(1): 19-29, June-2016