Development of community based curriculum on ophthalmology for under graduate medical course in Bangladesh


  • AK Khan Department of Ophthalmology, Gonosayastha Somaj Vittik Medical College, Savar & Dhanmondi, Dhaka
  • AZMI Hussain UniSA School of Public Health and Life Sciences, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka



ophthalmology, community based curriculum


The curriculum represents the expression of educational ideas in practice. Ophthalmic education is the corner stone to improve eye care globally. Curriculum needs continuous modification varying in different geographic locations. Though 90% of common conditions are either preventable or curable but emphasis on the common conditions is inadequate. This is a stepwise descriptive study aiming to develop a community based ophthalmology curriculum for undergraduate medical course in Bangladesh conducted during March 2007 to February 2008 at UniSA School of Public Health and Life Sciences, University of South Asia, Banani, Dhaka. Delphi technique, a modified qualitative method was used to accumulate data and reaching a consensus opinion for developing the curriculum. Study approach includes two iterative rounds and finally a workshop. Iteration of round-I was "What are the eye diseases with overall knowledge of their management one MBBS physician should acquire"; followed by a list of eye diseases and topics for expert opinion. The response was collated. Iteration round-II was "How much a MBBS student should have percentage of knowledge, attitude and skills on each topic while being taught". The response was collated and presented to panel of expert ophthalmologists for discussion and validation. In the round-I Delphi, 400 (62%) out to total 641 ophthalmologist were randomly selected dividing in categories (62% in each) of Professor-22, Associate Professor-12, Assistant Professor-26, Consultant-27, ophthalmologists working in NGO-56 and ophthalmologists in private sector-257. Sixty (15%) responded with opinion. In the round-II, 200 (31%) including 60 of round-I, selected randomly but proportionately as before. Forty five (22.5%) responded with opinion. Result collated. The results and opinion of respondents were presented at a workshop attended by 24(80%), out of 30 invited expert ophthalmic specialists for discussion, criticism, opinion, addition, modification and finally for validation. On the basis of the opinion of the respondents, reviewing literature, analyzing the ocular disease pattern in Bangladesh and also analyzing the present ophthalmology curriculum, a community and need based ophthalmology curriculum for undergraduate medical course in Bangladesh was developed. This research would help developing community and need based ophthalmology curriculum for undergraduate medical course in Bangladesh.


Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2012; 38: 51-58


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How to Cite

Khan, A., & Hussain, A. (2012). Development of community based curriculum on ophthalmology for under graduate medical course in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin, 38(2), 51–58.



Research Papers