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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

Original research articles, review articles, short reports, case reports and letters dealing with any field of medical sciences are considered for publication in the Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College Journal (CMOSHMC Journal). An original research article should not exceed 6,500 words, including all illustrations and references (3,500 words exclusive of tables, figures, references, and abstract). Review articles should not generally exceed 8,500 words, including illustrations and references. Short reports also should not exceed 2,500 words, including all references and illustrations. Letters should be brief and to the point (500-600 words).

While preparing manuscripts, please follow the Vancouver Style (Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals prepared by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, which is available at The CMOSHMC Journal’s "Instructions for Authors" can also be read and/or downloaded from the website .

ORGANIZING YOUR MANUSCRIPT: Organize each section as indicated below:


Full title of the manuscript

The first and last names of all contributing authors and academic degrees [i.e., first name, middle initial(s), surname, degree(s)]; the departmental and institutional affiliation(s); complete street or mailing address for each affiliation, including the city, state or province, and country where the work was performed. [NOTE: Fellowships are not included in the Journal]



TITLE PAGE: The title page should include:

  • Names and affiliations of all the authors
  • The source of a work or study (if any)
  • A short title should be given for use as a running title of about 50 characters.
  • Please indicate the name, address, phone number, fax number and e-mail address ofCorresponding Author.


ABSTRACT. A structured abstract of not more than 250 words is required. It should be a factual description of the study performed organized with the headings of Background (includes aims, hypotheses, or objectives), Methods (includes patient population, procedures, and data analysis), Results, and Conclusions. The abstract should contain the data to support the key findings or conclusions of the study and this should be self-explanatory without reference to the text. The first time an abbreviated term is used, spell it out in full and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses – for example: ultrasound (US). Please do NOT cite any reference in the abstract.


(Follow this format: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references. Use the automatic page numbering function to number the pages. At the end of the article, give the name and address of the individual to whom reprint requests should be directed.)

TEXT/MAIN DOCUMENT. Organize the text into an introductory section that conveys the background and purpose of the report, and then into sections titled “Materials and Methods,” “Results,” and “Discussion.” Please mention at the end of Methods section about the authority which has given you the permission to undertake this study.

  • Place them flush left on the page in capital letters; do not underline or use bold lettering.
  • Use a normal, plain font (e.g., 12-point Times Roman) for text
  • Double-space the text
  • Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables


Manuscripts should be organized as follows: Title page; Abstract and Keywords; Text with the following sections: Introduction, Case Report, Discussion; Figure legends; References. 

All articles should be no more than 1500 words long with a maximum of 10 references and 10 images. Manuscripts should also contain a separate abstract of up to 150 words.

Abstract: The second page of the manuscript should contain the Abstract, which must not exceed 150 words. The Abstract should be comprehensible to readers before they have read the paper, and reference citations must be avoided. Following the abstract, 3-6 key words should be given for subject indexing.

Article structure: The main text of the paper should be up to 1500 words (excluding references and legends) and should be structured with the following sections: 
• Introduction 
• Case Report 
• Discussion 
• References
• Figure legends


ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. A brief statement should acknowledge individuals, other than authors, who were of direct help in the reported work or if the work was supported by a government or commercial grant.

REFERENCES. Please follow the ICMJE guidelines ( Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in brackets (e.g. [4]). Number the references in order of their first appearance in the text (not alphabetically). Once a reference is cited, all subsequent citations should be to the original number.

1. Standard journal article
Halpern SD, Ubel PA, Caplan AL. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients. N Engl J Med. 2002 Jul 25;347(4):284-7.

More than six authors:
Rose ME, Huerbin MB, Melick J, Marion DW, Palmer AM, Schiding JK, et al. Regulation of interstitial excitatory amino acid concentrations after cortical contusion injury. Brain Res. 2002;935(1-2):40-6.

Optional addition of a clinical trial registration number:
Trachtenberg F, Maserejian NN, Soncini JA, Hayes C, Tavares M. Does fluoride in compomers prevent future caries in children? J Dent Res. 2009 Mar;88(3):276-9. PubMed PMID: 19329464. registration number: NCT00065988.

2. Organization as author
Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Hypertension, insulin, and proinsulin in participants with impaired glucose tolerance. Hypertension. 2002;40(5):679-86.

3. Both personal authors and organization as author (List all as they appear in the byline.)
Vallancien G, Emberton M, Harving N, van Moorselaar RJ; Alf-One Study Group. Sexual dysfunction in 1,274 European men suffering from lower urinary tract symptoms. J Urol. 2003;169(6):2257-61.

Margulies EH, Blanchette M; NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Haussler D, Green ED. Identification and characterization of multi-species conserved sequences. Genome Res. 2003 Dec;13(12):2507-18.

4. No author given
21st century heart solution may have a sting in the tail. BMJ. 2002;325(7357):184.

5. Article not in English
Ellingsen AE, Wilhelmsen I. Sykdomsangst blant medisin- og jusstudenter. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2002;122(8):785-7. Norwegian.

Optional translation of article title (MEDLINE/PubMed practice):
Ellingsen AE, Wilhelmsen I. [Disease anxiety among medical students and law students]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2002 Mar 20;122(8):785-7. Norwegian.

6. Volume with supplement
Geraud G, Spierings EL, Keywood C. Tolerability and safety of frovatriptan with short- and long-term use for treatment of migraine and in comparison with sumatriptan. Headache. 2002;42 Suppl 2:S93-9.

7. Issue with supplement
Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology. 2002;58(12 Suppl 7):S6-12.

8. Article published electronically ahead of the print version
Yu WM, Hawley TS, Hawley RG, Qu CK. Immortalization of yolk sac-derived precursor cells. Blood. 2002 Nov 15;100(10):3828-31. Epub 2002 Jul 5.

Books and Other Monographs

9. Personal author(s)
Murray PR, Rosenthal KS, Kobayashi GS, Pfaller MA. Medical microbiology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2002.

10. Editor(s), compiler(s) as author
Gilstrap LC 3rd, Cunningham FG, VanDorsten JP, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002.

11. Author(s) and editor(s)
Breedlove GK, Schorfheide AM. Adolescent pregnancy. 2nd ed. Wieczorek RR, editor. White Plains (NY): March of Dimes Education Services; 2001.

12. Organization(s) as author
Advanced Life Support Group. Acute medical emergencies: the practical approach. London: BMJ Books; 2001. 454 p.

American Occupational Therapy Association, Ad Hoc Committee on Occupational Therapy Manpower. Occupational therapy manpower: a plan for progress. Rockville (MD): The Association; 1985 Apr. 84 p.

13. Chapter in a book
Meltzer PS, Kallioniemi A, Trent JM. Chromosome alterations in human solid tumors. In: Vogelstein B, Kinzler KW, editors. The genetic basis of human cancer. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2002. p. 93-113.

14. Dissertation
Borkowski MM. Infant sleep and feeding: a telephone survey of Hispanic Americans [dissertation]. Mount Pleasant (MI): Central Michigan University; 2002.

15. Newspaper article
Tynan T. Medical improvements lower homicide rate: study sees drop in assault rate. The Washington Post. 2002 Aug 12;Sect. A:2 (col. 4).

16. Map
Pratt B, Flick P, Vynne C, cartographers. Biodiversity hotspots [map]. Washington: Conservation International; 2000.

17. Dictionary and similar references
Dorland's illustrated medical dictionary. 29th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders; 2000. Filamin; p. 675.

18. In press or Forthcoming
(Note: NLM prefers "Forthcoming" rather than "In press" because not all items will be printed.)

Tian D, Araki H, Stahl E, Bergelson J, Kreitman M. Signature of balancing selection in Arabidopsis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. Forthcoming 2002.

19. Journal article on the Internet
Abood S. Quality improvement initiative in nursing homes: the ANA acts in an advisory role. Am J Nurs [Internet]. 2002 Jun [cited 2002 Aug 12];102(6):[about 1 p.]. Available from:

20. Article with document number in place of traditional pagination:
Williams JS, Brown SM, Conlin PR. Videos in clinical medicine. Blood-pressure measurement. N Engl J Med. 2009 Jan 29;360(5):e6. PubMed PMID: 19179309.

21. Article with a Digital Object Identifier (DOI):
Zhang M, Holman CD, Price SD, Sanfilippo FM, Preen DB, Bulsara MK. Comorbidity and repeat admission to hospital for adverse drug reactions in older adults: retrospective cohort study. BMJ. 2009 Jan 7;338:a2752. doi: 10.1136/bmj.a2752. PubMed PMID: 19129307; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC2615549.

22. Homepage/Web site [Internet]. New York: Association of Cancer Online Resources, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2002 May 16; cited 2002 Jul 9]. Available from:


  • Line illustrations should be submitted at 1200 dpi.
  • Halftones and Color should be submitted at a minimum of 300 dpi.
  • Please name your artwork (Tables and figures) files with the submitting author’s name, i.e., AbbasFig 1.jpeg, AbbasTable 1.jpeg, etc.
  • Do NOT embed art files into a word or PDF document.


  • All tables are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
  • Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.
  • Lengthy, encyclopedic tables should be avoided.


  • All figures are to be numbered using Arabic numerals.
  • Figures should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order.
  • For each figure, please supply a figure caption.
  • Figures in which a person is identifiable must either have the face masked out, or be accompanied by written permission for publication from the individual in the photograph.
  • Reduce figures to fit either in 1 column or within the 2 column width of the Journal page.
  • Each figure should comprise only a single file.

The following file formats can be accepted:

  • EPS (preferred format for diagrams)
  • PDF (also especially suitable for diagrams)
  • TIFF
  • JPEG

Text within figures should usually be either Arial or Helvetica fonts; Courier may be used if a monospaced font is required. Text should be designed to be legible when the illustration is scaled to a width of 600 pixels.




Please use the standard abbreviations and units.

The first time an abbreviated term is used, spell it out in full and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses – for example: ultrasound (US).
Please express digits as numerals except when they are the first word in a sentence. Decimals should be written in North American format.
Express units of measurement in the metric system whenever possible, and abbreviate them when used with numbers.

COPYRIGHT. A Copyright and License Agreement – signed and dated by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors – must be submitted with each manuscript submission.

PERMISSIONS. Materials taken from other sources must be accompanied by a written statement from the copyright holder – typically the original publisher and/or the author. 

Privacy Statement

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Ubiquity Press Privacy Policy

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What type of personal data do we handle?

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The minimum personal data that are stored are:

  • full name
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  • associated URL
  • phone number
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  • reviewing interests
  • mailing address
  • ORCiD
  • a short biography
  • interests
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How we collect and use your data:

1. When using the website

1.1 what data we collect

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1.2 why we collect the data

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1.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

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1.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • Please contact to request a copy of your data, or for your data to be removed/anonymised.

2. When registering as an author, and submitting an article or book

2.1 what data we collect

  • When registering an account we ask you to log in and provide certain personal information (such as your name and email address), and there is the option to register using an ORCiD which will pre-fill the registration form.
  • As part of submitting an article for publication, you will need to provide personally identifying information which will be used for the peer review process, and will be published. This can include ‘Affiliation’, ‘Competing interests’, ‘Acknowledgements’.

2.2 why we collect the data

  • Registering an account allows you to log in, manage your profile, and participate as an author/reviewer/editor. We use cookies and session information to streamline your use of the website (for example in order for you to remain logged-in when you return to a journal). You can block or delete cookies and still be able to use the websites, although if you do you will then need to enter your username and password to login. In order to take advantage of certain features of the websites, you may also choose to provide us with other personal information, such as your ORCiD, but your decision to utilize these features and provide such data will always be voluntary.
  • Personal data submitted with the article or book is collected to allow follow good publication ethics during the review process, and will form part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.

2.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We do not share your personal information with third parties, other than as part of providing the publishing service.
  • As a registered author in the system you may be contacted by the journal editor to submit another article.
  • Any books published on the platform are freely available to download from the publisher website in PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats on the publisher’s site.
  • Any personal data accompanying an article or a book (that will have been added by the submitting author) is published alongside it. The published data includes the names, affiliations and email addresses of all authors.
  • Any articles published on the platform are freely available to download from the publisher website in various formats (e.g. PDF, XML).
  • Ubiquity Press books and articles are typeset by SiliconChips and Diacritech.This process involves them receiving the book and book associated metadata and contacting the authors to finalise the layout. Ubiquity Press work with these suppliers to ensure that personal data is only used for the purposes of typesetting and proofing.
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2.4 why we store the data

  • We store the account data so that you may choose to become a reviewer and be able to perform those tasks, or to become an author and submit an article and then track progress of that article.
  • Published personal data that accompanies an article or a book forms part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.

2.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • You are able to view, change and remove your data associated with your profile. Should you choose to completely delete your account, please contact us at and we will follow up with your request as soon as possible.
  • To conform to publication ethics and best practice any personal data that is published alongside an article or book cannot be removed. If you have a query about a publication to which you are attributed please contact

3. When registering as a reviewer

3.1 what data we collect

  • To become a reviewer you must first register as a user on the website, and set your preference that you would like to be considered as a reviewer. No new personal data is collected when a registered user elects to become a reviewer.
  • When registering an account we ask you to log in and provide certain personal information (such as your name and email address), and there is the option to register using an ORCiD which will pre-fill the registration form.
  • Reviewers can also be registered by editors who invite them to review a specific article. This requires the editor to provide the reviewer’s First Name, Last Name, and Email address. Normally this will be done as part of the process of inviting you to review the article or book.
  • On submitting a review, the reviewer includes a competing interest statement, they may answer questions about the quality of the article, and they will submit their recommendation.

3.2 why we collect the data

  • The data entered is used to invite the reviewer to peer review the article or book, and to contact the reviewer during and the review process.
  • If you submit a review then the details of your review, including your recommendation, your responses to any review form, your free-form responses, your competing interests statement, and any cover letter are recorded.

3.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • This data is not shared publicly and is only accessible by the Editor and system administrators of that journal or press.
  • The data will only be used in connection with that journal or press.
  • Data that is retained post final decision is kept to conform to publication ethics and best practice, to provide evidence of peer review, and to resolve any disputes relating to the peer review of the article or book.
  • For journals or presses that publish the peer reviews, you will be asked to give consent to your review being published, and a subset of the data you have submitted will become part of the published record.

3.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • If you would no longer like to be registered as a reviewer you can edit your profile and tick the box ‘stop being a reviewer’. This will remove you from the reviewer database, however any existing reviews you may have carried out will remain.
  • If you have been contacted by an editor to peer review an article this means that you have been registered in the system. If you would not like to be contacted for peer review you can reply to the email requesting that your data be deleted.

4. When being registered as a co-author

4.1 what data we collect

  • Co-author data is entered by the submitting author. The submitting author will already have a user account. According to standard publishing practice, the submitting author is responsible for obtaining the consent of their co-authors to be included (including having their personal data included) in the article/book being submitted to the journal/press.
  • The requested personal data for co-authors are at the bare minimum; first name, last name, institution, country, email address. This can also include; ORCID ID, Title, Middle Name, Biographical Statement, Department, Twitter Handle, Linkedin Profile Name or ImpactStory ID.

4.2 why we collect the data

  • Assuming that it is accepted for publication, this data forms part of the official published record in order for the provenance of the work to be established, and for the work to be correctly attributed.
  • Author names, affiliations and emails are required for publication and will become part of the permanent cited record.

4.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • The co-author’s personal data is stored in the author database. This personal data is only used in relation to the publication of the associated article.
  • Any co-author data collected is added to the author database and is only used in association with the article the user is co-author on.

4.5 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data, or want your data to be removed

  • To receive a copy of your data, please contact
  • To conform to publication ethics and best practice any personal data that is published alongside an article or book cannot be removed. If you have a query about a publication to which you are attributed please contact

5. When signing-up to receive newsletters

5.1 what data we collect

  • We require you to include your name and email address

5.2 why we collect and store the data, and for how long

  • This data would be collected to keep you updated with any news about the platform or specific journal

5.3 what we do (and don’t do) with the data

  • We use mailchimp to provide our mailing list services. Their privacy policy can be found here

5.4 what to do if you want to get a copy of your data or want your data to be removed

  • All emails sent via our newsletter client will include a link that will allow you to unsubscribe from the mailing list

Notification about change of ownership or of control of data

We may choose to buy or sell assets. In the case that control of data changes to or from Ubiquity Press and a third party, or in the case of change of ownership of Ubiquity Press or of part of the business where the control of personal data is transferred, we will do our best to inform all affected users and present the options.

(Updated: 18 May 2018)