Steady Radiative Free Convective Flow Along A Vertical Flat Plate In The Presence Of Magnetic Field
MHD flow, radiation, magnetic field, kinematic viscosity, thermal diffusivity.Abstract
Steady two-dimensional Magneto hydrodynamic free convection flow with thermal radiation in the presence of magnetic field along a vertical flat plate is concerned in the present study. The fluid is taken to be gray, absorbing-emitting radiation. The non-linear governing equations have been transformed by the usual similarity transformation to a system of ordinary differential equations. These dimensionless similar equations are then solved numerically employing the Nachtsheim-Swigert shooting iteration technique along with sixth order Runge-Kutta integration scheme. Finally the effects of the pertinent parameters are examined.
Keywords: MHD flow; radiation; magnetic field; kinematic viscosity; thermal diffusivity.
DIUJST 2011; 6(2): 55-62
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