Growth Analysis Of Brri Dhan-44 (Oryza Sativa L.) Following 2,3,5 Tri-Iodo Benzoic Acid Application
BRRI dhan-44, TIBA, Foliar application, Growth analysisAbstract
A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of different concentrations (0,10, 25, 50 and 100 ppm) of 2,3,5 Tri-iodo benzoic acid (TIBA) on growth of BRRI dhan-44. With few exceptions LA, LAR, SLA and LAD showed almost similar trend andincreased due to 10 ppm at all stages. Whereas, other treatments showed a decrease inmost cases. Significant variations were observed at 40 DAS in LA, at 20 and 40 DAS inLAR and throughout the growing period of SLA and LAD. Significant increase wasobserved in SLW at concentration higher than 10 ppm TIBA. Plants treated with 25 ppmTIBA produced the highest SLW after 10 DAS. Maximum NAR was also recorded from25 ppm at all phases of growth and varied significantly at 20-30 DAS. Application ofTIBA had positive response on CGR in the majority cases and significant variation wasobserved at the period of 0-10 and 50-60 DAS. The RGR responded similarly like CGR,but varied significantly in all cases except at 10-20 DAS. After the period of 20-30 DAS,BMD were found to increase following all treatments excluding 50 ppm and significantvariations were observed all over the growing period. Out of five treatments, 10 ppmTIBA showed better responses in the majority of growth parameters.
Asiat. Soc. Bangladesh, Sci. 41(1): 67-73, June 2015