Complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody in the 150 kDa Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus/javanicus) subordinate follicular fluid peptide observed using MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS


  • Bisono Roesmanto
  • Adji Santoso Dradjat
  • Sulaiman Ngongu Depamede


Bali cattle, C3 complement, Proteomics, Subordinate follicle


Objective: This study aimed to elucidate the proteome profile of the 150 kDa protein isolated from the subordinate follicle of Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus/javanicus). Some researchers have revealed several factors in the follicular subordinate with a 150 kDa protein substance, which play important roles in the bovine ovulation.

Materials and methods: In the present study, subordinate follicles (~ 5 mm in diameter) were collected from 10 female Bali cattle from slaughterhouses in Taliwang, Sumbawa of West Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. The follicular liquid was pooled; fractionated using SDSPAGE 10%, the 150 kDa band was sliced and then analyzed using MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS.

Results: Mascot search results significantly revealed the presence of four species of proteins/peptides. Of the four peptides, two were predominant i.e. complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody, which both were 100% identical to complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody of Bos Taurus cattle.

Conclusion: Complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody are present in the follicle fluid of Bos sondaicus/javanicus cows. These findings are novel in Bali cattle follicles.         


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Author Biographies

Bisono Roesmanto

Faculty of Animal Science, Magister Management of Animal Husbandry Resources Program, University of Mataram. Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Mataram NTB 83125, Indonesia.

Adji Santoso Dradjat

Faculty of Animal Science, Magister Management of Animal Husbandry Resources Program, University of Mataram. Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Mataram NTB 83125, Indonesia.

Sulaiman Ngongu Depamede

Faculty of Animal Science, Magister Management of Animal Husbandry Resources Program, University of Mataram. Jl. Majapahit No. 62 Mataram NTB 83125, Indonesia.




How to Cite

Roesmanto, B., Dradjat, A. S., & Depamede, S. N. (2018). Complement C3 and anti-testosterone antibody in the 150 kDa Bali cattle (Bos sondaicus/javanicus) subordinate follicular fluid peptide observed using MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS. Journal of Advanced Veterinary and Animal Research, 5(1), 19–24. Retrieved from



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