Management of Sciatica: Conservative Versus Surgical
Sciatica, management, conservative, surgicalAbstract
Many peoples suffer from sciatica, which is a mechanical pain along sciatic nerve distribution. There is lot of controversy over superiority of either conservative or surgical treatment. The aim of the present review is to compare the efficacy of both sides of treatment options. In all available studies it seems that a substantial proportion of patients improve over time. This holds true for patients undergoing surgery or receiving conservative care. Patients undergoing disc surgery are more likely to get quicker relief of leg symptoms than patients receiving conservative care. If symptoms do not improve after 6-8 weeks, patients may opt for disc surgery. Those who are hesitant about surgery and can cope with their symptoms may opt for continued conservative care. Patient preference is therefore an important feature in the decision process.
Key words: Sciatica, management, conservative, surgical.
DOI: 10.3329/jbcps.v26i3.4198
J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2008; 26: 142-146
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