Maternal and Foetal Outcome in Routine versus Selective Use of Episiotomy


  • Farida Khan Jr. Consultant, Department Gynae, Central Police Hospital
  • Zenat Rehena Assistant Professor, Department of Gynecology, Sheikh Sayera Khatun Medical College, Gopalgonj
  • Sabrina ahmed Jr. Consultant, Department Gynae, Central Police Hospital
  • Nurjahan Begum Sr. Consultant, Department Gynae, Central Police Hospital,
  • Farhana Sayeed Jr. Consultant, Department Medicine, Central Police Hospital



Episiotomy, Maternal, Foetal, Outcome, Perineum.


Introduction: An episiotomy is a surgical incision of the perineum made to increase the diameter ofthe vulval outlet during child birth.

Aim of the study: To evaluate the maternal and foetal outcome in routine versus selective use ofepisiotomy.

Material & Methods: This prospective interventional study was conducted at the Department ofObstetrics and Gynaecology, Sir Salimullah Medical College and Mitford Hospital during January 08to June 08. A total of 160 patients were included for the study. The patient of group I were givenepisiotomy with all aseptic precaution after infiltration of 10 ml of 1% solution of lignocaine. For groupII patients episiotomy was restricted and w. only given for specific indications. Statistical analysis wereperformed using computer- based software, statistical package for social science (SPSS).

Results: In the study, 65(40.6%) cases received episiotomy, 86(53.8%) not received episiotomy and only9(5.6%) needed episiotomy. Maximum number was found in the age group of 20-25 years in both groups.Most of the study patients were primi. Regarding the duration of second stage of labour of maximumnumber belongs to 30 - 90 minutes in all groups. In group I there was 2° tear in 61(93.8%), 3rd degreetear 4(6.2%) and none had 1° perineal tear, whereas in group II it was observed that 45(52.3%) had notear. In group I, 24(36.9%) patients complained difficulty in defecation and 30(46.2%) felt difficulty insitting. But in patients needing episiotomy in group II 4(44.4%). There was no still birth found in anygroup. The mean± (SD) head circumference of the baby was 36.4±6.05 cm and 34.7±1.26 cm in group Iand group II respectively.

Conclusion: In a poor country like ours, where pregnancy rate is very high, reducing episiotomy ratecan eliminate morbidity associated with episiotomy and can ensure early resumption of women to theirnormal life.

JBSA 2022; 35 (2) : 51-57


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How to Cite

Khan, F. ., Rehena, Z. ., ahmed, S. ., Begum, N. ., & Sayeed, F. . (2022). Maternal and Foetal Outcome in Routine versus Selective Use of Episiotomy. Journal of the Bangladesh Society of Anaesthesiologists, 35(2), 51–57.



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