Iron Status In Beta Thalassaemia Trait In Adult
Iron status, Beta Thalassaemia traitAbstract
Microcytic hypochromic anaemia is one of the commonest blood picture in Bangladeshi population. A vast majority of such cases have iron deficiency. In Bangladesh about 3% of total population that is about 3.6 million people with a microcytic hypochromic blood picture are beta thalassaemia trait. However iron deficiency may be associated with beta thalassaemia trait. Such patients are treated with iron to improve their anaemia. But the subjects of beta thalassaemia trait often have normal iron level. So, by observing microcytic hypochromic blood picture, supplementation of iron to that cases produce iron overload and may produce organ dysfunction. The study of serum ferritin was carried out on 50 confirmed cases of beta thalassaemia trait and 50 cases of healthy individuals. Estimation of serum ferritin level was done by Dimension RxL Max (Automatic Biochemistry Analyzer). The results show that serum iron level was normal in beta thalassaemia trait as like as healthy individuals.
J. Dhaka National Med. Coll. Hos. 2011; 17 (02): 21-24