About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The aim and objectives of the journal are:
- To provide a national forum for the profession of Environmental Science and Natural Resources in the country;
- To advance the knowledge and application of Environmental Science and Natural Resources;
- To promote and keep high ethical and professional standards in all Environmental Science and Natural Resources related activities;
- To promote and expand teaching, research and training in Environmental Science and Natural Resources and dissemination of Knowledge of Environmental Science and Natural Resources;
- To help the Government and other agencies in building up strong Environmental Science and Natural Resources organizations;
- To advance and protect the interest and status of the professionals of Environmental Science and Natural Resources profession in the country;
- To organize and hold Environmental Science and Natural Resources related conferences, seminars, discussion sessions and exhibitions and publish proceedings of such conferences, seminars and discussions;
- To promote and publish Environmental Science and Natural Resources journal; periodicals, newsletter and Directories.
The journal will publish original research and review papers in all fields of pure and applied Ecology (Plant, Animal and Human ecology), Environmental Sciences (all aspects of pollutions, conservation of environment, management of environment, rural and urban environment, social environment, population and environment, environmental economics, and various environmental issues), Atmospheric Sciences (Climatology, Meteorology, Micrometeorology, Agricultural Meteorology, and Boundary Layer Climate), Greenhouse Gas Exchanges, Global Warming Issues, and conservation and management of Natural Resources, Biodiversity, and issues related to Sustainable Development. Both theoretical and experimental studies will be included. Case histories of environmental problems of different countries/regions and reports of recent meetings and conferences will also be published. Papers presented at international symposia or conferences on subjects of interest to the Journal will be accepted at the request of organizers, for publication in special volumes/issues. The Journal will also publish Book REVIEWS and will notify the forthcoming meetings. The Journal will be published twice in a year (June and December).
Publication Frequency
The publishing schedule is planned for two (2) issues per year i.e. one in June and another in December.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial Board
Dr. M. Tazul Islam
Professor (Retired),
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU),
Executive Editor
Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Baten
Department of Environmental Science,
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Members of Editorial Board
Prof. Dr. Md. Makbul Hossain
Faculty of Veterinary Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Prof. Dr. Masum Ahmad
Faculty of Agriculture
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hashem
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Prof. Dr. K. Md. Mostafizur Rahman
Faculty of Agricultural Economics & Rural Sociology
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Prof. Dr. Md. Zainal Abedin
Faculty of Agricultural Engineering & Technology
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Mansur
Faculty of Fisheries
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Prof. Dr. Kawser Ahmed
Department of Oceanography
University of Dhaka
Prof. Dr. Md. Khabir Uddin
Department of Environmental Science
Jahangir Nagar University
Savar, Dhaka
Prof. Dr. M. A. Islam Chowdhury
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Shahjalal University of Science & Technology
Prof. Dr. G. K. M. Mustafizur Rahman
Faculty of Agriculture
Bangabandhu Agricultural University
Managing Editor
Dr. M. A. Farukh
Associate Professor
Department of Environmental Science
Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU)
Bangladesh Society for Conservation of Environment & Natural Resources
Executive Committee
Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Baten
Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Vice President
Prof. Dr. Masum Ahmad
Entomology Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Dr. Begum Samsun Nahar
SSO, Center for Environmental Studies, BAU, Mymensingh
General Secretary
Dr. M. A. Farukh (Incharge)
Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Joint Secretary
Mr. Md. Badiuzzaman Khan
Assistant Prof., Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Seminar Secretary
Dr. Md. Azaharul Islam
Assistant Professor, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Conservation Secretary
Dr. Rehana Khatun
Associate Professor, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Assistant Conservation Secretary
Mst. Nasrin Islam
Ph.D Student, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
International Affairs Secretary
Md. Jahangir Alam
MS. Student, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Publication Secretary
Md. Abdul Muyeed
PhD Fellow, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Social Affairs Secretary
Mahmuda Sharmin Rumi
Scientific officer, JSPS and UGC Project, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Organizing Secretary
Dr. M. K. Hassan Bhuiyan
Associate Prof., Physics & Chemistry Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Assistant Organizing Secretary
Md. Alim Miah
Scientific officer, JSPS Project, Environmental Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. Md. Khalilur Rahman
Zoology Dept., Dhaka University, Dhaka.
Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hashem
Soil Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. Lutful Hassan
Genetics & Plant Breeding Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. G. M. Mujibar Rahman
Agroforestry Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. Md. Mokbul Hossain
Pathology Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. Md. Abul Hashem
Animal Science Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. K. M. Nasiruddin
Biotechnology Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. M. Ayub Ali
Plant Pathology Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. Md. Golam Mortuza
Biochemistry Dept., BAU, Mymensingh
Prof. Dr. Md. Salequzzaman, Environmental Science Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna
Prof. Dr. G. K. M. Mustafizur Rahman
Dept. of Soil Science Bangabandhu Agricultural University, Gazipur
Prof. Dr. Md. Khabir Uddin
Dept. of Environmental Science, Jahangir Nagar University, Savar, Dhaka
Prof. Dr. M. A. Islam Chowdhury
Dept. of Civil Engineering & Environmental Science, SUST, Sylhet
- Bangladesh Society for Conservation of Environment and Natural Resources