Environmental and Chemical Control of Phomopsis Blight and Fruit Rot of Eggplant Caused By Phomopsis vexans
Fungicide, phomopsis blight, fruit rot, eggplant, environmentAbstract
The experiment was conducted at laboratory and field of Plant Pathology Division at Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Gazipur during the three consecutive cropping seasons 2016-17, 2017-18 and 2018-19 to identify the effective fungicide for controlling phomopsis blight and fruit rot disease of eggplant or brinjal causing Phomopsis vexans . There were same 7 treatments viz, T1= Biomyl plus(0.2%), T2= Top man (0.2%), T3= Hayprogim (0.2%), T4= Arba gold (0.2%), T5= Defence (0.2%), T6= Autostin (0.2%) and T7= Control with three replications both in the laboratory bioassay and field experiment. Bioassay of six different fungicide was done on mycelial growth of Phomopsis vexans causing phomopsis blight and fruit of eggplant. Six same fungicide were tested on the incidence of phomopsis blight and fruit, and yield of eggplant or brinjal in the field. All the fungicide had significant effect on mycelia growth of fungus and reduction of disease incidence of the crop compared to control. Fungicide of carbendazim group viz. Autostin, Arba gold, Hayprozim and Defence were found better than others for controlling phomopsis blight and fruit rot of eggplant or brinjal both in the laboratory and field. The maximum yield compared to other group of fungicide and control was observed in carbendazim group of fungicide viz. autostin, arba gold, hayprozim and defence.
Journal of Science Foundation, July 2020;18(2):81-87