On Number of Planes of Rearrangeably Nonblocking Optical Banyan Networks with Link Failures


  • Basra Sultana University of Rajshahi
  • Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker University of Rajshahi




Banyan networks, Blocking probability, Switching networks, Vertical stacking, Link-failures.


Vertically stacked optical banyan (VSOB) networks are attractive for serving as optical switching systems due to the desirable properties (such as the small depth and self-routing capability) of banyan network structures. Although banyan-type networks result in severe blocking and crosstalk, both these problems can be minimized by using sufficient number of banyan planes in the VSOB network structure. The number of banyan planes is minimum for rearrangeably nonblocking and maximum for strictly nonblocking structure. Both results are available for VSOB networks when there exist no internal link-failures. Since the issue of link-failure is unavoidable, we intend to find the minimum number of planes required to make a VSOB network nonblocking when some links are broken or failed in the structure. This paper presents the approximate number of planes required to make a VSOB networks rearrangeably nonblocking allowing link-failures. We also show an interesting behavior of the  blocking  probability of a faulty VSOB networks that the blocking probability may not  always  increase monotonously with  the  increase  of  link-failures; blocking probability  decreases  for  certain range of  link-failures, and then increases again. We believe that such fluctuating behavior of blocking probability with the increase of link failure probability deserves special attention in switch design.


Keywords: Banyan networks; Blocking probability; Switching networks; Vertical stacking; Link-failures.


© 2009 JSR Publications. ISSN: 2070-0237(Print); 2070-0245 (Online). All rights reserved.


DOI: 10.3329/jsr.v1i1.1070


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Author Biography

Mamun-ur-Rashid Khandker, University of Rajshahi

Associate Professor
Dept. of Applied Physics and Electronic Engineering
University of Rajshahi




How to Cite

Sultana, B., & Khandker, M.- ur-R. (2008). On Number of Planes of Rearrangeably Nonblocking Optical Banyan Networks with Link Failures. Journal of Scientific Research, 1(1), 43–54. https://doi.org/10.3329/jsr.v1i1.1070



Section A: Physical and Mathematical Sciences