Development of a Web Based Expert System for Rubber Crop Disease Diagnosis and Management


  • S. Konyeha "University of Benin"
  • F. A. Imouokhome "University of Benin"



Expert system, Rubber, Hevea brasiliensis, GMDH technique, CLIPS Shell.


An expert system imitates the decision–making adeptness of a human expert. They are intended to answer complicated questions characterized mainly as if–then rules instead of traditional procedural code. A major problem facing the cultivation of rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) in developing countries is the destructive effect of pathogens which result in about fifty percent (50%) loss in crop yield. This problem persists, due to a communication gap between agricultural researchers, such that field extension officers, and farmers are hampered by various operational and logistic challenges. This paper is an effort to bridge this gap, and hence features an expert system that can be accessed online by farmers.  The expert system allows farmers to select disease symptoms presented in categories from a JAVA based user friendly graphical interface. The output generated by the rule–base engine, diagnoses the diseases of the rubber crop, and suggests curative and preventive measures. The main source of information for developing the expert system’ knowledge–base was the Rubber Research Institute, Iyanomo, Edo State, Nigeria.


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Author Biography

S. Konyeha, "University of Benin"

Senior lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Physical Sciences, University of Benin. Benin City, Nigeria. She holds a PhD degree in Computer Science (Software Engineering) from the University of Benin. She is presently the coordinator of Nigerian Women in Information Technology (NIWIIT) in Edo State, Nigeria. She is also a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) and Organization of Women in Science for the developing countries (OWSD). Her areas of interest include Information Technology, Security systems, Expert systems, Software Engineering and Gender Studies. She has supervised several undergraduate and postgraduate students and presented papers at both national and international conferences.




How to Cite

Konyeha, S., & Imouokhome, F. A. (2018). Development of a Web Based Expert System for Rubber Crop Disease Diagnosis and Management. Journal of Scientific Research, 10(3), 239–248.



Section A: Physical and Mathematical Sciences