About the Journal
The Mugda Medical College Journal (MuMCJ) is the official organ of Mugda Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mugda Medical College was established in 2015, which is one of the top ranked government medical colleges in the country at the moment. Many of the best academicians and researchers of the country are currently working in this institution. The institution runs the undergraduate medical education (MBBS). The Mugda Medical College Journal starts its journey in 2018. It is a peer reviewed and open-access journal. Each issue of the journal publishes Editorial, Original Articles, Review Articles, Case Reports submitted from different disciplines of medical sciences.
Review Process
Manuscripts are examined by the editorial board and are sent to reviewers. Based on the reviewers’ comments, manuscripts are accepted, rejected, or accepted after modifications. However, the decision of the Editorial Board is final. Rejected manuscripts are not returned. Proofs correction by the authors is appreciated.
We have a scrunity committee consisting of 6 members including, one Chairperson, and a member secretary, 1st the manuscripts are submitted in the office of journal following a checklist and the chief editor send the submitted manuscripts to the scrutiny committee. The scrutinized manuscripts are then send back to the editor in chief. Editor in Chief with his Executive Editor & assistant editors send the manuscripts to the internal & external reviewers to review. There are selected list of internal & external reviewers for the journal. Each manuscript to be published in the journal are being send to two reviewers in each issue of the journal according to our SOP. At least one manuscript should been reviewed by an external reviewer. Three weeks time is given to the reviewer to review. They are given reminder after three weeks, one extra week is given to the reviewer in special cases. Both the reviewers return nack the manuscripts to the office of journal, with his comments is a supplied reviewer form reminder for (supplied by the office of journal). Here, we should mention that we are maintaining are double blinding process for reviewing the manuscripts. The checked manuscripts with proposed corrections then send back to the athors. The authors send back the corrected manuscripts to the office of journal. Then, the corrected manuscripts are again send back to the respective reviewers for final acceptance. The accepted amnuscripts are then selected for publication in the journal & after all the manuscripts are in hand, then special meeting of editorial board are called upon by the editor in chief. The manuscipts which are going to be published are then presented by power point presentation in front of the editorial board. Manuscripts are finally selected of published in the next issues.
Workup on copyright issue is going on , the information will be updated very soon.
Conflict of interest
The author must state all possible conflicts of interest, including financial, consultant, institutional and other relationship that might lead to bias or a conflict of interest.
Publication Frequency
The Mugda Medical College Journal (MuMCJ) is published twice in a year (January & July)
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Article Processing Fees
There are no fees for submission and processing of the articles.
Source of Support
Funded by Mugda Medical College, Dhaka-1214, Bangladesh