Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Receiving Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis


  • Palash Kumar Deb Nath Assistant Professor, Department of Nephrology, Mugda Medical College, Dhaka-1214.
  • Md Masud Iqbal Professor and Head, Department of Nephrology, National Institute of Kidney Diseases and Urology (NIKDU), Dhaka-1207.
  • Sarwar Iqbal Professor and Head, Department of Nephrology, BIRDEM General Hospital, Dhaka-1000.
  • Kazi Shahnoor Alam Professor and Head, Department of Nephrology, National Institute of Kidney Diseases and Urology (NIKDU), Dhaka-1207.
  • Mohammed Rashed Anwar Associate Professor, Department of Nephrology, Mugda Medical College, Dhaka-1214.
  • Md Farhad Hasan Chowdhury Assistant Professor, Department of Nephrology, Mugda Medical College, Dhaka-1214.
  • Momtaz Hossain Assistant Professor, Department of Nephrology, Mugda Medical College, Dhaka-1214.
  • Satyajit Kumar Saha Assistant Director, Mugda Medical College Hospital, Dhaka-1214.
  • Md Afzalul Bashar Registrar, Department of Nephrology, Shaheed Sheikh Abu Naser Specialized Hospital, Khulna-9100.
  • Md Sorowar Hossain Dialysis Medical Officer, National Institute of Kidney Diseases and Urology (NIKDU), Dhaka-1207.



Mental composite score, physical composite score, quality of life, continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis, end stage renal disease


Background: Health related quality of life (HRQoL) covers the impact of the disease or medical actions on the physical symptoms, functional status, and mental and social functioning. The KDQOL is a kidney disease–speciûc HRQoL instrument used in research.

Objective: To observe the quality of life parameters in patients on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD).

Methods: This cross-sectional study was carried out in three tertiary renal care hospital. Total 40 CAPD patient were selected as cases and 40 healthy individuals were included as controls. A semi-structured questionnaire was developed in English and translated to Bangla. The questionnaire contained questions related to: 1) KDQoL-36 developed by RAND; 2) Clinical and 3) laboratory parameters. Different clinical and laboratory parameters were evaluated. Quality of life (QOL) parameters were assessed by KDQOL-SF-36(V-1.3) questionnaire. The scoring procedure for the KDQOL-SF-36 first transforms the raw precoded numeric values of items to a 0-100 possible range. Higher transformed scores better quality of life.

Results: Mean age of the study subjects was 55±11and control 56±11years (p=.0.664). They were also matched for sex and BMI. The main primary disease responsible for ESRD was diabetic nephropathy (57.5%), followed by glomerulonephritis and hypertensive nephropathy. Mean haemoglobin of the study subjects was 8.1±1.4 g/dl, albumin 3.1±1.4 g/dl and Kt/V 1.8±0.3. Mean physical composite score (PCS) calculated by KDQOL-SF-36 in CAPD and control group were 44±15 and 79±12 (p<0.001) and mean mental composite score (MCS) were 45±17 and 80±10 (p<0.001). When QOL parameters were compared between two groups according to Kt/V d”1.7 and >1.7 showed most of the scores were higher in Kt/V >1.7.

Conclusion: Quality of life parameters among patients on CAPD were good; hence, it can be a viable option for ESRD patients in Bangladesh.

Mugda Med Coll J. 2022; 5(1): 14-18





How to Cite

Nath, P. K. D. ., Iqbal, M. M. ., Iqbal, S. ., Alam, K. S. ., Anwar, M. R. ., Chowdhury, M. F. H. ., … Hossain, M. S. . (2022). Health Related Quality of Life in Patients Receiving Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis. Mugda Medical College Journal, 5(1), 14–18.



Original Article