Reproductive Performance of Dairy Cows in Relation to Genotype, Age, Parity, Body Weight and Body Condition Score at Rajshahi District of Bangladesh
Reproduction, Genotype, Age & parity, Body weight, BCS, Dairy cowsAbstract
The present study was carried out from selected areas at Rajshahi district to evaluate the reproductive performance of dairy cows in relation to breed/genotype, age, parity, body weight and body condition. A total of 500 cows selected and data were collected directly from the dairy farms owner by using pre-tested questionnaires during the period from September 2013 to December 2014. The average reproductive performance (RP) were recorded as age at puberty (AP) 26.42±0.22 m, age at first calving (AFC) 35.48±0.22 m, post-partum heat period (PPHP) 121.85±3.48 days, service per conception (S/C) 1.93±0.04, days open (DO) 136.80±3.57 days and calving interval (CI) 401.04±3.94 days. Genotype had significant effect (P<0.05) on all the reproductive traits except on S/C. Local (L) × Holstein Friesian (HF) genotype showed earlier AP and AFC than L× Sahiwal (SL) and L. Age group had significant (P<0.05) effect on AP, AFC and other parameters were not significant (P>0.05). Middle age groups of cows had shown better RP than others groups. Parities of cows had significant effect (P<0.05) on PPHP, S/C, DO except on AP, AFC and CI. Third parity had better RP than others. The best RP was found in >300 kg BW groups. Body condition score had significant effect (P<0.05) on all RP. Good body condition score (BCS) had excellent RP.
Res. Agric., Livest. Fish.7(3): 481-495, December 2020
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