About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Jalalabad Medical Journal (JMJ) is a journal dedicated to promote and publish original articles, rare case reports, review articles etc. in the medical science aims to reduce the gap between research and practice. The Journal contributes to the development of theory and practice of these domains. Jalalabad Medical Journal provides perspectives on topics appropriate to the study. All papers a double blind peer reviewed. The Editor reserves the right to reject papers that, in the view of the editorial board, are either of insufficient quality, or are not relevant to the subject area. The journal’s scope is to aid the researchers, resource persons and practitioners to come on a display place and to divide their findings of the research with the rest of the country so that informed decisions can be taken to advance medical science.

Modern Medical Science is advancing every day. To strengthen the core of knowledge, continuing Medical education is essential for all concerned Medical personnel. Jalalabad Medical Journal (JMJ) is a major component of continuing Medical education, reflects the real picture of scientific activities also disseminate ideas to the peers as well as expands the total academic activities in the campus.

JMJ Journal (JMJ) considers submissions on any aspect of public health across age groups and settings. These include:

  • Clinical care delivery and practices
  • Public health practice and impact
  • Applied epidemiology
  • Medical Education
  • Health protection including control of communicable diseases
  • Health promotion and disease prevention
  • Health law and ethics
  • Health policy and comparisons
  • Capacity in health systems and workforce

This is not an exhaustive list and the Editors will consider articles on any issue relating to the health of populations or the public.

Review Process

Author submits manuscript to the editor of Jalalabad Medical Journal (JMJ). Manuscript is assessed by the editor for basic criteria, reference and citation, plagiarism etc. Then manuscript is rejected due to not meeting the basic criteria for the journal or sent to author for correction and resubmit. After preliminary assessment, the editor assigns at least two reviewers for double blind peer review. After reviewing, the reviewers suggest comments and recommendations to the editor. The editor considers the reviewer's comment and renders a decision like manuscript may sent to author for connection, manuscript may be accepted or may be rejected. After correction by the author, manuscript is revised by the editor. Then the accepted manuscript is showed in editorial board meeting. The editorial board has the power to reject the manuscript due the objection of the members, or to send to author for correction or to recommend for further review. If there is no objection of editorial board, then it is published in Jalalabad Medical Journal.

We are very grateful to all of the reviewers who have supported our journal so far.

Guidelines for Review

  • Is the rationale of the work sufficiently sound?
  • Has the work been designed and carried out scientifically?
  • Has/have the author/s given sufficient data and have the data been subjected to proper statistical analysis to justify the conclusion?
  • If the author/s has have included both tables and figures to present the same sets of data, would you recommend inclusion of both; if not, which according to your opinion, should be omitted?
  • To what number/s would you suggest the author/s should reduce his/their tables (applicable only where the article contains more than one table).
  • Please comment on the quality of graphs/drawings/photographs and labeling.
  • Additional remarks, if any;
  • Please clearly indicate whether the paper is suitable for publication in Jalalabad Medical Journal as a full paper.
  • Does it need improvement before publication, if so, in what way?

Publication Frequency

Jalalabad Medical Journal (JMJ) is published twice in a year (January and July) two issues (one volume) each year. 

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article Processing Fees

Our journal is free to everyone. Full text of all the contents is always available. There is no article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges. Our readers can copy, distribute, and use their attributed research for non-commercial purpose free of charge. Our journal retains copyright of the articles through a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial- 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC 3.0).

Source of Support

Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College, Pathantula, Sylhet bears all the costs of publication of the journal. Editors work voluntarily without any payment or salary.


Jalalabad Ragib-Rabeya Medical College, Pathantula, Sylhet, Bangladesh