Performance Of Bilati Dhonia (<i>Eryngium Foetidum</i> L.) Under The Canopy Of Different Tree Species
Bilati Dhonia (Eryngium foetidum L.), tree shades, hilly area.Abstract
Performance of ‘Bilati Dhonia’ (Eryngium foetidum L.) grown under the shades of different tree species, namely guava, jackfruit, mango, jujube, and farmers’ practice (grown under artificial shade) was evaluated at the Agricultural Research Station, Raikhali, Rangainati Hill District during two consecutive years of 2004-05 and 2005-06. The results revealed that plant height, leaf length, number of leaves per plant and fresh weight per plant were significantly higher under the canopies of various trees and farmers’ practice than those grown under direct sun light. Different growth characters were better under the shades of jackfruit and guava trees than those of other species. Periods to first and 50% flowering under tree species were longer than that under direct sunlight. The highest fresh yield (mean of two years) of ‘Bilati Dhonia’ was found in the farmers’ practice (27.58 t/ha), which was similar to those under guava (27.31 t/ha) and jackfruit trees (27.51 t/ha).
Keywords: Bilati Dhonia (Eryngium foetidum L.); tree shades; hilly area.
BJAR 2011; 36(2): 255-262