Comparative Studies on Field Performance of Micropropagated and Conventionally Propagated Sugarcane Plants
Comparative studies, Field performance, Sugarcane, MicropropagationAbstract
The tissue culture derived sugarcane var. CoJ 64 plants attained better height, millable cane height and a greater number of live buds to conventionally raised plants. Further, the plants raised in vitro showed 13.2% increase in cane yield and 11.03% sugar recovery as compared to conventionally propagated sugarcane under parallel agronomic practices in the field, advocating suitability of seed cane programmed through tissue culture.
Key words: Comparative studies, Field performance, Sugarcane, Micropropagation
DOI = 10.3329/ptcb.v16i1.1102
Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 16(1): 25-29, 2006 (June)