Medical Undergraduates Residual Knowledge of Structural, Functional and Clinical Aspects of Cell and Histology at Recall and Understanding Levels
Medical undergraduates, residual knowledge, Cell and Histology, structural, functional, clinical, recall, understanding, levels of cognitive domain, learningAbstract
Context: The importance of the knowledge of Cell and Histology in grasping the paraclinical and clinical sciences by medical undergraduates is understandable. The rapidly changing scenario of the concepts of teaching-learning and assessment demands assessing the status of undergraduates residual knowledge from the viewpoint of teachers, curriculum planners and educational researchers.
Materials and methods: Answering text-based (60%) and illustration-based (40%) single-sentence True/ False questions was attempted by 373 undergraduates who had completed the Cell and Histology portion of their course 3 to 6 months earlier in two government and two private medical colleges of Bangladesh. There were structurally-oriented (46.67%), functionally-oriented (43.33%) and clinically-oriented (10%) questions addressing mainly recall (58%) and understanding (40.67%) levels of cognitive domain. Comparisons were made among the numbers of correct answers to different types of question using ANOVA Post Hoc and t test, as applicable.
Results: The mean frequency of correct response was 54.25%. Significantly more (p= 0.00) correct responses were recorded for the clinically-oriented (62.47%) and functionally-oriented (54.46%) questions than for the structurally-oriented (52.62%) questions. There were significantly (p= 0.00) fewer correct responses for the understanding-level questions (51.13%) than for the recall-level questions (56.65%).
Conclusion: These results suggest that the residual knowledge of Cell and Histology in the undergraduates, though not very rich, may be governed both by a sense of relevance and by memorisation. Further study with a larger sample can add to these results to dictate curriculum modification and implementation, regarding teaching and assessment, in making learning more relevant and less memorisation-dependent.
Bangladesh Journal of Anatomy, January 2013, Vol. 11 No. 1 pp 34-43