Genetic divergence in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) genotypes
Eggplant, D2, Genetic diversity, Hybridization, Multivariate analysis, PCAAbstract
Multivariate analysis of twenty six genotypes of eggplant were done to estimate the genetic diversity and to select the potential parents for a successful hybridization program. As per PCA, D2 and cluster analysis, the genotypes were grouped into five clusters. The highest inter-cluster distance was between Cluster II and Cluster III (37.82) and the lowest between Cluster I and Cluster III (4.39). Cluster III showed the maximum intra-cluster distance (1.58), whereas Cluster II showed the lowest intra-cluster distance (0.48). Considering the magnitude of genetic distance and agronomic performance, the genotypes SM 208 and SM 209 from Cluster II and SM 201, SM 218 and SM 227 from Cluster III might be suitable for efficient hybridization program. On the other hand the genotypes of Cluster I (SM 206, SM 210, SM 211, SM 212, SM 213, SM 215, SM 216, SM 217, SM 221, SM 224, SM 225 and SM 226) possess all the superior characters in respect of yield and yield related component. Thus the genotypes SM 206, SM 216, SM 217, SM 224 and SM 225 from this Cluster could be selected to develop high yielding eggplant varieties.
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 41(3): 433-439, September 2016