Variations In Different Isolates Of Rhizoctonia Solani Based On Temperature And pH
Rhizoctonia solani, variations, temperature, pH.Abstract
An experiment was conducted to find out variation in isolated Rhizoctonia solani based on radial mycelial growth and sclerotial production. Five isolates of Rhizoctonia solani representing five clusters group were selected and were grown at different levels of temperature and pH on potato dextrose agar (PDA). It was observed that optimum temperature and pH for growth and scierotial production varied among the isolates. The rates of growth and sclerotial formation were not uniform at the same levels of the two growth factors. The maximum mycelial growth of all isolates was found at 30°C. At 35°C, only GAZ-9 and GAZ-18 showed initiation of growth, but the rate was very slow. The optimum temperature for sclerotial production of the isolates GAZ-9, JES- 16, GAZ-18 SYL-26 was 30°C and for the isolate DIN-8 was 25°C. The optimum pH for maximum radial growth was 6 for DIN-8 and 7 for other four isolates. The maximum number of sclerotia was produced by DIN-8, GAZ-9, and SYL-30 at pH 8, 4, and 7, respectively. The optimum pH for sclerotia formation in JES-16 and GAZ-18 was pH 6.
Keywords: Rhizoctonia solani; variations; temperature; pH.
BJAR 2011; 36(3): 389-396