Editorial Team
Chief Editor
Dr. Md. Ruhul Amin
Professor, Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.6631/66213
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01714 217157
Email: aminmr64@bau.edu.bd
Associate Editor
Dr. M. A. M. Yahia Khandoker
Professor, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.66115
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01711 040178
Email: yahiakhabg@bau.edu.bd
Managing Editor
Dr. Khan Md. Shaiful Islam
Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.6651
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01715 226510
Email: kmsislam@bau.edu.bd
Dr. Mohammad Ashiqul Islam
Professor, Department of Dairy Science
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.66418
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01712 428472
Email: m.a.islam@bau.edu.bd
Dr. Md. Harun-ur-Rashid
Professor, Department of Dairy Science
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.2664
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01720 381581
Email: harunds@bau.edu.bd
Dr. Md. Kaosar Niaz Bin Sufian
Professor, Department of Genetics and Animal Breeding
Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine
Patuakhali Science and Technology University
Barishal Campus, Khanpura, Babugonj, Barishal-8210, Bangladesh.
Cell Phone: 01798 959999
Email: sufian@pstu.ac.bd
Dr. Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Professor, Department of Animal Science
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.2634
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01726 491107
Email: monir.as@bau.edu.bd
Dr. Fowzia Sultana
Professor, Department of Poultry Science
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.66516
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01760 120560
Email: fowziasultana@yahoo.co.in
Dr. Musabbir Ahammed
Professor, Department of Poultry Science
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.66518
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01712 700702
Email: musabbir.ps@bau.edu.bd
Dr. Md. Kamruzzaman
Professor, Department of Animal Nutrition
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.8653
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01716 670905
Email: sajal_anbau@yahoo.com
Dr. Auvijit Saha Apu
Professor, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
Faculty of Animal Husbandry
Bangladesh Agricultural University
Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Phone: +0088 091 67401-6/Ext.66119
Fax: +0088 091 61510
Cell Phone: 01756 107289
Email: auvijit.bau@gmail.com
Dr. Md. Sazedul Karim Sarker
Principal Scientific Officer
Poultry Production Research Division
Bangladesh Livestock Research Institute
Savar, Dhaka-1341, Bangladesh
Phone: +88 02224491679
Fax: +88 02224491679
Cell Phone: 01712 223635
Email: sazdulkarim@yahoo.com
Dr. Ashim Kumar Das
General Secretary
Bangladesh Animal Husbandry Association
Department of Livestock Services
Farmgate, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh
Cell Phone: 01717 151415
Email: ashimdasdls@yahoo.com