About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (DUJASE) publishes original research papers and short communications submitted by the teachers and researchers of the University of Dhaka as well as distinguish researchers from home and abroad on any area of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology. To popularize the research activities on different fields of Engineering among the faculty members and the students of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The broad area of publication are Electrical & Electronic Engineering, Applied Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Computer Science & Engineering, Nuclear Science & Engineering, and Robotics & Mechatronics Engineering.
Review Process
All papers will be peer reviewed. The editor will process the paper in consultation with the departmental member of the editorial board, and the authors should incorporate necessary changes as suggested by the reviewers as well as the editorial board. The editorial board follows “blind review” process where the authors are not revealed to the reviewers in order to allow concentration on content. The submitted paper will be peer-reviewed by at least two reviewers. If they made contradictory reports with each other (80 to 100% difference) then the editorial board may assign third reviewer to make a decision. If both reviewers reject the paper, it will be rejected. Similarity check should be done on each paper using existing (Turnitin/iThenticate) software of the University of Dhaka and the paper will be not be selected for publication until its similarity index is less than or equal to 25%. Final decisions on the papers will be made by the editorial board on the basis of the reports of the reviewers and similarity index. The editorial board will notify to all authors of acceptance or rejection of papers.
Corresponding author will receive a draft copy of the article after editing by the journal committee for final printing, which should be corrected and returned within seventy-two hours of receipt. No new material should be inserted in the text at the time of proof reading, except where prior permission has been obtained from the editor.
The contents of this journal have been published by the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka. Reproduction and distribution of these contents without written permission of the publisher is prohibited. Permissions can be sought directly from the office of the Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh through email at editor.dujase@gmail.com or deanengg@du.ac.bd. Photocopies in part may be allowed for non-profit educational purposes. The authors have to transfer copyright to the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000.
Reviewers Guidelines
All papers are double blind peer reviewed. The editor will process the paper in consultation with the departmental member of the editorial board, and the authors should incorporate necessary changes as suggested by the reviewers as well as the editorial board. The editorial board follows “double blind review” process where the authors are not revealed to the reviewers in order to allow concentration on content. Usually two (peer review) reviewers will review the paper. Reviewers are requested to submit the reviews within four weeks. If needed, they are allowed two more weeks to complete the review process. However, if they made contradictory reports with each other (80 to 100% difference) then the editorial board may assign third reviewer to make decision. If both reviewers reject the paper then it will be rejected. Similarity check should be done on each paper using existing Turnitin/iThenticate software of the University of Dhaka and the paper will be not be selected for publication until its similarity index is less than or equal to 20%. Final decisions on the papers are made by the editorial board on the basis of the reports of the reviewers and similarity index. The editorial board notify to all authors of acceptance or rejection of papers.
Publication Frequency
The Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering (DUJASE) is published twice in a year (July and January)
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Article Processing Fees
There is no any article processing fees.
Source of Support
University Fund (Funded by Dhaka University, Dhaka)
The Faculty of Engineering and Technology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka