Prevalence, belief and awareness of preferring traditional healthcare system in urban and rural people of Noakhali district, Bangladesh


  • Palash Karmakar Department of Pharmacy Noakhali Science and Technology University Sonapur, Noakhali-3814
  • Muhammad Mazharul Islam Department of Pharmacy Noakhali Science and Technology University Sonapur, Noakhali-3814
  • Md. Golam Kibria Department of Pharmacy Noakhali Science and Technology University Sonapur, Noakhali-3814
  • Mohammad Salim Hossain Department of Pharmacy Noakhali Science and Technology University Sonapur, Noakhali-3814
  • Mohammad Mafruhi Sattar Department of Pharmacy, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka-1342



Traditional healthcare system, belief, urban, rural, Noakhali


Healthcare systems contribute a major role in maintaining good health. The study was conducted to analyze the prevalence, belief and awareness of preferring traditional healthcare systems in urban and rural people of Noakhali district of Bangladesh. Data were collected randomly from 400 respondents aging 20 to 60 years by personal interviewing with a well structured questionnaire during October 20, 2011 to December 20, 2011. Study stated that, overall 79% of the respondents were found to feel comfortable in using traditional healthcare system whereas only 21% prefer the modern system. Urban people showed their belief mostly in homeopathy (23%), ayurvedic/unani (18%) and herbal medicine (17%) of traditional healthcare system whereas Kaviraji (27%), herbal medicine (18%) and spiritual healing (11%) were the systems on which rural people showed their much faith and belief for the treatment of different ailments. Jaundice and sexual problems were the two dominant disease conditions for which traditional healthcare systems were most preferred by the respondents. Beside these 68% of urban and 88% of rural as well as 57.64% of educated and 97.82% of uneducated respondents were not aware about the appropriate healthcare system for different diseases. Belief in no side effect and safe remedy, mass population of the study area preferred different traditional healthcare systems but most of them were not aware about the exact therapy.


International Current Pharmaceutical Journal 2012, 1(9): 229-234






How to Cite

Karmakar, P., Islam, M. M., Kibria, M. G., Hossain, M. S., & Sattar, M. M. (2012). Prevalence, belief and awareness of preferring traditional healthcare system in urban and rural people of Noakhali district, Bangladesh. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, 1(9), 229–234.



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