Leucas zeylanica (L.) R. Br. protects ethanol and hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress on hepatic tissue of rats


  • Shahdat Hossain Laboratory of Alternative Medicine & Behavioral Neurosciences Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jahangirnagar University, Savar Dhaka-1342
  • Mijanur Rahman Laboratory of Alternative Medicine & Behavioral Neurosciences Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jahangirnagar University, Savar Dhaka-1342
  • Nusrat Fatima Laboratory of Alternative Medicine & Behavioral Neurosciences Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jahangirnagar University, Savar Dhaka-1342
  • Mozammel Haque Laboratory of Alternative Medicine & Behavioral Neurosciences Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jahangirnagar University, Savar Dhaka-1342
  • Jahirul Islam Laboratory of Alternative Medicine & Behavioral Neurosciences Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Jahangirnagar University, Savar Dhaka-1342




Leucas zeylanica, AST, ALT, Polyphenols


The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of Leucas zeylanica against oxidative stress on hepatic tissue. Oxidative stress was induced by exposing hepatic tissue to ethanol and Fentons reagent (H2O2+FeSO4). The effect of oxidative stress on liver also was evaluated by the determination of alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and the levels of lipid peroxide (LPO). The antioxidative activity of L. zeylanica was determined by estimating it ability to inhibit the hepatic levels of lipid peroxide (LPO), as indicator of oxidative stress. Concomitantly, the antioxidant phytochemicals such as polyphenols and flavonoids were assessed against pyrogallol and quercetin standards. The ALT and AST activities and the levels of LPO of hepatic tissue were significantly increased by oxidative stress. L. zeylanica pretreatment, however, significantly repressed the oxidative stress on hepatic tissue, as indicated by the decreased activities of ALT and AST enzymes and levels of LPO. Analyses of the phytochemicals revealed that the extract of L. zeylanica contained substantial amounts of polyphenols (74.32 ± 4.6 µg of pyrogallol equivalent/mg) and flavonoids (15.69 ± 2.2 µg quercetin equivalent/mg of extract). Finally, the results of the present study demonstrated the presence of antioxidant phytochemicals, including polyphenols and flavonoids in L. zeylanica and henceforth conferred protection against ethanol and H2O2-induced oxidative stress on hepatic tissue.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/icpj.v2i9.16076

International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, August 2013, 2(9): 148-151






How to Cite

Hossain, S., Rahman, M., Fatima, N., Haque, M., & Islam, J. (2013). Leucas zeylanica (L.) R. Br. protects ethanol and hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress on hepatic tissue of rats. International Current Pharmaceutical Journal, 2(9), 148–151. https://doi.org/10.3329/icpj.v2i9.16076



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