One nucleon pick-up reaction <sup>58</sup>Ni(p,d)<sup>57</sup>Ni at 68 MeV
Double-differential cross section, (p,d) reaction, DWBA analysis, Direct reaction model.Abstract
The double differential cross-section for the 58Ni(p,d)57Ni reaction has been studied with 68 MeV protons for the 25o, 30o, 35o, 45o, and 60o laboratory angles. The spectra have been calculated using DWBA-based cross-sections including an asymmetric form of the Lorentzian strength function containing energy-dependent spreading widths. The comparison between the measured spectra and the theoretical predictions is accomplished in the direct reaction region. The values of the calculated double differential cross-sections agree with those of the measured cross-sections as far as ~17 MeV deuteron excitation energies; the ejectile deuterons-energy for direct reactions at 68 MeV proton energy.
J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 46(1); 57-63: June 2022