Scar Endometriosis, An Uncommon Entity
Scar endometriosis is an uncommon condition where there is presence of endometrial tissue in the abnormal sites. Generally this is a benign lesion although malignant transformation is possible. Commonest site is at the site of laparoscopy done for non gynaecologic indications. Extrapelvic sites are fairly uncommon, among which abdominal wall may also be affected. This case of scar endometriosis was diagnosed after 2 years of caesarean section. Patient presented with pain and swelling below the umbilicus. Pain had a distinct relationship with the menstrual cycle. Swelling appeared later and was slowly increasing in size. There was a high index of suspicion based on history and clinical findings. Wide excision was done and histopathogy reported the lesion as scar endometriosis.
(J Bangladesh Coll Phys Surg 2011; 29: 99-101)
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