Political Ecology, Stress Analysis and Capital Investment in Water Sector: A Study of Khulna City
water supply systemsAbstract
This study tried to find out the loopholes in water supply systems in Khulna city and carefully examined the proposed water supply projects taken by KWASA. It was found that the projects were associated with huge capital investments from government and international organizations. Projects taken were mostly technical in nature and exclude any kind of participations. Previous experiences suggest that this kind of projects are difficult to implement and faces mass resistance and judiciary complications. However, for the current projects, vulnerabilities of water sources on which these projects are taken, were overlooked or simply do not have any mechanism to protect those sources. Mayur river and 22 canals were grabbed, polluted and ignored. Ground water in Khulna city is also at risk due to increasing salinity, arsenic and presence of harmful substances. A political ecology analysis also depicts a poor coordination between concerned authorities. Amalgamation of these factors can lessen the effectiveness of the projects taken by KWASA. A more inclusive, small scale initiative is important to get benefits from these large scale projects. Demand management while increasing coverage of water supply is also crucial for a comprehensive water supply system.
Vol. 6, December 2013, pp. 1-12