About the Journal

Aims and scope

The Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine (JOPSOM) is the leading journal in the field of public health in Bangladesh. The journal aims to disseminate scientific information on public health important issues including preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and social topics. The JOPSOM publishes original and review articles along with editorials on burning health issues, Systematic and Meta analysis. The journal intends to share innovative ideas, creative inventions, dynamic solutions and effective interventions with the scientific world. The journal is committed to propagate health messages and interventions revealed through research with different disciplines worldwide. Through website appearance the JOPSOM aims to communicate with diverse stakeholders and communities including public health professionals, clinicians, researchers, social scientists, academicians and policy makers by sharing new knowledge and discoveries in the horizon of medical and social science.

ISSN: 1012-8697

This is an ‘Open Access Journal’ you can share, copy and redistribute the materials in any medium or format provided that articles are properly cited. We follow ‘Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)’. All articles are published ‘free of charge’ and available free to readers for online reading or download at https://www.nipsom.gov.bd/jopsom 

Financial resources:

The journal is financially supported by National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM).

Peer-Review Process:

  • The journal (JOPSOM) is a peer-reviewed journal. After submission of any manuscript, the assistant editor/member of editorial board conducts preliminary assessment for acceptability and suitability for the JOPSOM. If it is selected preliminary, then it is transferred to the managing editor.
  • The managing editor identifies two (2) expert reviewers relevant to the paper/manuscript through editorial board meeting.
  • Double-blind technique is used in review process as the reviewers are kept blind about the author and vice versa.
  • The managing editor or the assigned assistant editor also reviews the paper.
  • On the basis of review comments of the editor and reviewers, the managing editor takes the decision for the paper whether it is accepted for publication or needs revision or rejected.

Assessment by Managing Editor/Assistant:

After submission of the manuscript by the author, the managing editor or any designated editorial assistant check whether the manuscript is appropriate to the JOPSOM and conform to the journal guidelines. If the criteria are not matched, the manuscript is not accepted. If the criteria are matched, the manuscript is sent to the editor for peer-review process. This preliminary assessment process is completed within one week following submission by the corresponding author. 

Peer Review:

  • The managing editor sends the manuscript two masked reviewers to review the manuscript following the reviewer’s guidelines of the JOPSOM. At the same time one of the designated editors also reads through the manuscript including the title and abstract, headings, references, tables, figures, and all the texts and put forward review comments. This peer-reviewing process takes one month to two months after preliminary assessment. 

Editor Report:

The managing editor prepares an editor report on the manuscript considering the summary of the peer reviews and editor’s review. The preparation of editor report takes around two weeks after completion of peer review process.

Journal Decision

The editorial manager makes the journal decision on the basis of the editor report as follows: 

  • Rejection - Outright
  • Revise - Acceptance
  • Revise – Acceptance
  • Acceptance- Outright 

a) If the reviewers reject it we reject it.
b) If the reviewers give any correction/modification plan we communicate the author to redo and resubmit his manuscript. After re-submission, we check whether their re-submission fulfills reviewer’s satisfaction.
c) If all these steps are successfully completed then we send it for publication.
d) We have additional statistical reviewers. We use their expertise if the manuscript deserves their review.
e) At least two reviewers per article are assigned by the journal authority.
f)  All the process is double-blind author never knows the reviewers and vice versa.
g) Duration of review process: Review process takes around three to four months.

Publication Frequency

JOPSOM is published twice in a year (January, and July)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article Processing Fees

Our journal is free to everyone. The full text of all the contents is always available. There are no article processing charges (APCs) or submission charges. Our readers can order for a copy, distribute, and use their attributed research for non-commercial purposes free of charge. Our journal retains copyright of the articles through a Creative Commons attribution license (CC-BY-NC 4.0).

Source of Support

National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM)


National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM)