GIST as a Lead Point in Adult Intussusception: Study in a Tertiary Hospital


  • SM Quamrul Akther Associate Professor, Dept. Of Surgery, ShSMC, Dhaka
  • Syed Masud Reza Associate Professor, Dept. of Surgery, ShSMC, Dhaka
  • Md Mozammel Hoque Associate Professor, Dept. of Surgery , ShSMC, Dhaka
  • Mohammad Abdullah Al Mamun Associate Professor, Dept. of Surgery, ShSMC, Dhaka
  • Farhad Uddin Ahmed Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, ShSMC, Dhaka
  • Rafiul Karim Khan Assistant Professor, Dept. of Surgery, ShSMC, Dhaka
  • Nadim Ahmed Senior Consultant, Dept. of Surgery, ShSMCH, Dhaka
  • Syeda Nishat Marium HMO, Dept. of Surgery, ShSMCH, Dhaka



Adult Intussusception, Pathological lead point, Adult Bowel obstruction, GIST,


Introduction: Intussusception is very common in childhood between the ages of 5 months to 1 year. In adults it is a rarity, in whom it commonly presents with a nonspecific, repeated, chronic or subacute intestinal obstruction. Ninety percent of them have a variable number of secondary pathological ‘lead point’- from benign lesion to malignant.5

Objective: This study aims to find out the variations & the commonest ‘Lead points’ in rare adult intussusceptions.

Methodology: Study period was from January 2015 to June 2019. All patients of adult intussusceptions, admitted in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical college Hospital, were examined, investigated, & analysed peri-operative findings with post-operative histopathological results, in this prospective observational study.

Result: In this study, among 15 patients, GIST found to be the commonest (46%) Lead point in adult intussusceptions. Others include Adenocarcinoma, Leiomyomatous polyp, Meckel’s Diverticulum, intestinal TB, etc. Male was mostly sufferer (67%). Ileoileal (II) variety was found more in male & Ileocecal (IC) variety in female.

J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll, December 2019, Vol.11(2); 138-141


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How to Cite

Akther, S. Q., Reza, S. M., Hoque, M. M., Mamun, M. A. A., Ahmed, F. U., Khan, R. K., Ahmed, N., & Marium, S. N. (2020). GIST as a Lead Point in Adult Intussusception: Study in a Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College, 11(2), 138–141.



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