Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Clinical Outcomes of Androgenic Alopecia
Androgenic alopecia, Plateletrich plasma (PRP).Abstract
Background: Androgenetic alopecia (AGA) also known as male pattern baldness is the most common hair loss disorder characterized by chronic, nonscarring disorder that is marked by a progressive reduction in the diameter, length, and pigmentation of the hair. This disorder is located primarily on the central scalp with various patterns of loss. Pathophysiological features include an alteration in the hair cycle via reduction of the anagen (growth) phase, inflammation, and follicular miniaturization. Therapies for AGA are limited and there is no cure. There is a high demand for hair restoration. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP), a treatment modality shown to promote wound healing, has also been explored as a treatment for AGA.
Objectives: To observe the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma for Androgenetic Alopecia.
Materials & method: This prospective observational study was conducted among 30 subjects with androgenetic alopecia from July 2018 to June 2020 in a reputed private hospital in Dhaka. Five platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatments, at intervals of 4 –5 weeks, and 2 follow-up examinations were performed. Blood (9 cc) from each AGA patient was collected in 10 cc syringe, and PRP was isolated using commercially available kit under sterilized conditions. Isolated PRP was injected in the bald areas of scalp of AGA patients. Treatment efficacy was assessed by changes in hair number and diameter. A secondary objective was to assess clinical improvement, which was evaluated by 5-point Likert scale. Then variables were analyzed and compared. Data was processed and analysed with the help of computer program SPSS and Microsoft excel. Quantitative data expressed as mean and standard deviation and qualitative data as frequency and percentage. Comparison was done by tabulation and graphical presentation in the form of tables, pie chart, graphs, bar diagrams, histogram & charts etc.
Result: It was found that majority of the patients i.e. 41(68.3%) were in the age group 20-40 years, mean age was found to 38.3±6.5 years. No significant difference in age and other demographic profile was observed between groups. The median (range) hair number per square centimetre at baseline was 38.0 (13-105) in the both groups. At the final follow-up visit, hair number is improved & it was found 53.0 (24-130) in the treated group and 41.0 (11-105) in the control group. Differences was statistically significant (p=0.017). Hair diameter (μm) at baseline was 65.0 (48-81) μm in the treated group and 66.0 (49-75) in the control group. At the final follow up visit, hair diameter also improved and it was 80.0 (58-94) μm in the treated group and 69.0 (51-85) μm in the control group. Differences was statistically significant (p=0.031). There were no treatment-related adverse effects.
Conclusion: Present study concluded that PRP is an effective treatment option in androgenetic alopecia, provides better clinical outcome in terms of improve hair density, diameter and significant subject satisfaction.
J Shaheed Suhrawardy Med Coll 2021; 13(2): 158-163