About the Journal
Focus and Scope
The KYAMC Journal is one of Bangladesh's premier clinical and Laboratory-based research journals. International readership is increasing rapidly. It features the best clinical and laboratory-based research on various medical science disciplines to provide a place for medical scientists to relate experiences that will help others render better patient care.
Editorial Scope:
- The Editorial Board will make all final decisions regarding acceptance.
- Selection of the reviewed and accepted manuscripts intended for publication in a particular issue will be decided by the Editorial Board.
- Submitted Manuscripts should neither be previously published nor currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
- All Submitted articles will be under blind peer review per recommendations by Subject-specific experts selected by editors.
- Acceptance is based on significance, originality, clarity and fulfillment of the publication policy of this journal.
- We shall refer papers back for revision before any review if they do not comply with the journal style.
Ethical Aspects:
The ethical aspect of the study will be very carefully considered at the time of assessment of the manuscript. Any manuscript that includes a table, illustration, or photograph published earlier should accompany a letter of permission for re-publication from the author of the publication and editor/publisher of the Journal where it was published earlier. We will also only accept papers that provide sufficient ethical approval where required.
Permission of the patients and/or their families to reproduce photographs of the patients where their identity is not disguised should be sent with the manuscript. Otherwise, the identity will be blackened out.
Editing and Peer Review:
All submitted manuscripts are subject to scrutiny by the Editor-in-Chief or any member of the Editorial Board. Manuscripts containing materials without sufficient scientific value and of a priority issue or not fulfilling the requirement for publication may be rejected or sent back to the author (s) for resubmission with necessary modifications to suit one of the submission categories. Manuscripts fulfilling the requirements and found suitable for consideration are sent for peer review. Submissions found suitable for publication by the reviewer may need revision/modifications before being accepted. Editorial Board finally decides upon the publishability of the reviewed and revised/modified submission. Proof of accepted manuscript may be sent to the authors and should be corrected and returned to the editorial office within one week. No addition to the manuscript at this stage will be accepted. All accepted manuscripts are edited according to the journal's style.
Publication Frequency
The journal publishes Four issues annually in January, April, July and October.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global knowledge exchange.