In vitro Clonal Multiplication of Two Grape (Vitis spp.) Rootstock Genotypes
Micropropagation, Vitis rootstocks, Nodal segmentAbstract
Single node segments were used to initiate in vitro cultures in two grape rootstocks namely, Dogridge (Vitis champini) and H-144 (Vitis vinifera × V. labrusca). Culture establishment was enhanced using different growth regulators, while BAP was found essential for culture initiation in both genotypes. Less success (38.31%) was obtained in culture establishment of H-144 but it exhibited better vegetative growth and rooting and ex vitro performance as compared to Dogridge. Higher shoot multiplication rate (12 micro-cuttings per culture) was recorded in H-144 while only 9 micro-cuttings per subculture were registered in Dogridge. Addition of activated charcoal to the rooting medium was found beneficial with enhancement of rooting and reduction in time to root initiation in both genotypes. The results suggested that multiplication of these two grape rootstock genotypes can be carried out efficiently by means of direct in vitro regeneration using nodal segments. In vitro performance of these two genotypes was also compared during different stages of micropropagation.
Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 28(1): 1-11, 2018 (June)