In Vitro Study of Callus Induction in Wedelia trilobata Using Different Growth Regulators
Wedelia trilobata, Callus induction, In vitroAbstract
Wedelia trilobata (L.) Hitch is a member of Asteraceae (formerly Compositae), the sunflower family. Its common name includes “Wedelia” and trailing daisy, although some people mistakenly call it Singapore daisy. In a wider sense the genus Wedelia, named in honor of Georg Wolfgang Wedel (1645 –1721), Professor of Botany at Jena, Germany, has about 70 species of tropical strand plant, Wollastonia biflora (formerly known as Wedelia biflora), to which it is closely related. In a more narrow sense, and now more widely accepted, Wedelia is considered to be a genus of relatively a few species of strictly American origin, one of which is Wedelia parviceps Blake, a herbaceous or sub-shrubby weed common in croplands, harvested fields, pasteures and roadside bush in hot climate in central America (Garcia et al. 1975). Interestingly, the Hawaiian endemic genus Lipochaeta is scarcely distinct from it genetically, and two sections of Lipochaeta appears to have been independently derived from Wedelia like ancestors (Wagner et al. 1990).
Key words: Wedelia trilobata, Callus induction, In vitro
D. O. I. 10.3329/ptcb.v21i1.9614
Plant Tissue Cult. & Biotech. 21(1): 95-99, 2011 (June) - Short communication