Performance of Bari Tomato Varieties Under Late Winter Planting in Dinajpur Region
Tomato, Off- season, Fruit yield, Cost-benefit ratioAbstract
An experiment was carried out at Agricultural Research Station, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Dinajpur during the rabi seasons of 2020 and 2021 to find the suitable tomato variety for late planting, when tomato demand and price remain higher on the market. A split- plot design with three replications was used where four planting dates viz., 15 January, 30 January, 15 February and 28 February in main plot and four varieties viz., BARI Tomato-15, BARI Tomato-16, Local (Rani) in sub-plot. . The result showed that both variety and planting dates were a significant effect on tomato fruit yield and yield contributing traits.In case of variety, BARI Tomato-16 gave the maximum fruit yield (51.31 t ha-1) compared to other varieties. Regarding of planting date, 15 January was found suitable time for getting the highest tomato fruit yield (56.79 t ha-1). The interaction effect showed that var. BARI Tomato-16, which was planted on 15 January yielded the higher fruit yield (66.16 t ha-1) followed by BARI Tomato-15 (54.40 t ha-1). Local (Rani) cultivar planted on 28 February produced the lowest yield (25.10 t ha-1). The results of the economic analyses showed that the var. BARI Tomato-16 planted on 15 February had the highest gross return (Tk. 2255000 ha-1), gross margin (Tk. 2057100 ha-1) and benefit cost ratio (11.39) followed by BARI Tomato-16 planted on 28 February.
Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 47(3): 281-290, September 2022