About the Journal
Focus and Scope
Focus and scope
The Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine (BJVM) publishes unpublished original research papers, review articles on all aspects of veterinary medicine, short communication and clinical articles that advance knowledge of veterinary medicine. Reports on scientific working groups, book reviews, institutional news, and association news together with a listing of forthcoming events are also considered for publication.
- Animal Medicine
- Avian Medicine
- Veterinary Epidemiology
- Veterinary Public Health
- Veterinary Preventive Medicine
- Veterinary Clinical Medicine
- Zoonotic Diseases
- Environmental Medicine
- Laboratory Animal Medicine
- Zoo Medicine
- Farm Animal Medicine
- Forensic Medicine and Animal Welfare
- Aquatic Medicine
Peer Review Process
All submissions to Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine are assessed by the managing editor, who will decide whether they are suitable for peer review. The managing editor will also check plagiarism of the submitted manuscript using iThenticate software. The managing editor will assign a section editor to handle the manuscript. The section editor will sent the manuscript to two reviewers. If it is not possible to find two reviewers one member of the editorial board will review this manuscript. With permission from Editor, the section editor will decide based on the reviewers’ reports. Relevant associate editor will inform the editorial decision to all authors and reviewers.
Publication Frequency
Two issues (June and December) are published each year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Editorial Board
Professor Md. Abdus Samad
DVM, MSc, PhD (HAU, India), Post doc. (Liverpool),
Royal Society Fellow (Edinburgh), NST Expert Fellow,
WHO Fellow (Bangkok & Chennai)
E-mail: vetmedbd@yahoo.com
Associate Editor
Professor Muzahed Uddin Ahmed
DVM, MSc, PhD (HAU, India),
Post doc. (Denmark, USA, Germany),
JSPS Fellow (Japan)
E-mail: muzahedahmed@gmail.com
Associate Editor
Professor Md Siddiqur Rahman
DVM, MS (Gold Medal), IFRC, PhD (CNU, South Korea), Post doc. (Japan, South Korea)
E-mail: prithul02@yahoo.co.uk
Associate Editor
Professor Md. Mahbub Alam
DVM, MSc, PhD (SMU, Japan) JSPS Post doc. (Japan)
E-mail: asamahbub2003@yahoo.com
Managing Editor
Professor A. K. M. Anisur Rahman
DVM, MS (BAU), MSTAH (Belgium) PhD (Belgium)
E-mail: arahman_med@bau.edu.bd
Section editors
Zoonotic diseases
Prof. Dr. Heinrich Neubauer, PhD
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health
Naumburger Str. 96a | 07743 Jena, GERMANY
E-mail: heinrich.Neubauer@fli.de
Professor Md. Amimul Ehsan
DVM, MS (BAU), MSTAH (Belgium), PhD (Ghent, Belgium)
E-mail: maehsan2003@yahoo.com
Avian Medicine
Professor Md. Taohidul Islam
E-mail: islamtuq77@gmail.com
Forensic Medicine and Animal welfare
Professor Mohammad Ariful Islam
DVM, MS (BAU), MSTAH (Belgium) PhD (Germany)
E-mail: maislam77@yahoo.com
Veterinary Public Health
Dr Ihab Habib
College of Veterinary Medicine - School of Veterinary and Life Sciences,
Murdoch University, Perth – AUSTRALIA
Porcine Medicine
Muhammad Jasim Uddin
DVM, MS (BAU), PhD (Germany)
E-mail: jasimmedbau@gmail.com
Caprine and Ovine Medicine
Md. Aminul Islam
DVM, MS (BAU), MSTAH (Belgium) Ph.D (Germany)
E-mail: aminbau14@gmail.com
Bovine Medicine
Dr. Avijit Dey
B.V.Sc. M.V.Sc. (National Dairy Research Institute, India), PhD(IVRI, India), Post-Doc (Australia)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Hisar, Haryana-125001, INDIA
Publication charge
All Article: Taka 3000.00 per article (Life Member, BSVM), Taka 4000.00 (Non-Member) and US $ 100.00 per article (Foreign).
Publication charge can be sent to the following account or through Western Union:
Account Name: Bangladesh Society For Veterinary Medicine
Account Number: 0141101169517
Name of the Bank: Pubali Bank Limited
Bank Routing No.:175612415
Swift code: PUBABDDH
Name of the Branch: Agri-Varsity Campus
District: Mymensingh, Bangladesh
Free journal copy and offprints
A copy of the Journal and 10 copies of offprints will be supplied free of charge to the corresponding author of the published article.
Journal History
Since 2003