Effects of iodine formulations on body weight and haematological parameters in beef cattle
Meat production, body weight, indigenous beef cattle, iodide salt, Lugol's iodineAbstract
The present research was carried out on indigenous beef cattle to study the effect of iodine formulations on body weight and hematology by using iodide salt and Lugol's iodine irrespective of feed and management in dairy farm, Bangladesh Agricultural University in collaboration with the Department of Pharmacology, Bangladesh Agricultural University for the period of 2 months from August to September 2005. A total of 20 male bull of 2 years old were selected, weighed ranged from 80-100kg and randomly divided into four groups as A, B, C and D. Group A was treated with non- iodide salt @ 25mg/ kg b.wt, group B treated with iodide salt @ 25mg/ kg b.wt, group C treated with IV injection of 2 % Lugol's iodine @ 10 mg/kg b. wt and group D were kept as control. After treatment, blood parameters and body weight were recorded on 30th and 60th day. Highest weight gain was recorded in Lugol's iodine treated group, about 7.09 % for weight gain compared with the control group. The result reveals that use of iodine formulation is an effective way of increasing meat production and weight gain in indigenous beef cattle of Bangladesh.
Key Words: Meat production, body weight, indigenous beef cattle, iodide salt, Lugol's iodine
DOI = 10.3329/bjvm.v4i2.1297
Bangl. J. Vet. Med. (2006). 4 (2): 133-135