Congenital lateral patellar luxation in a shorail dog: a case report
Congenital, patellar luxation, trochlear resection, wire sutureAbstract
A shorail dog of 1.5 years old was admitted to the Teaching Veterinary Hospital, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University with a clinical sign of weight bearing lameness of left hind leg. Physically and radiographically, it was diagnosed as grade IV lateral patellar luxation. Attempt was taken to treat the disease by combined tibial tuberosity transposition and trochlear resection. But after 8 months the symptoms attributed again as wire became torn and patella displaced laterally.
Key words: Congenital, patellar luxation, trochlear resection, wire suture
DOI = 10.3329/bjvm.v5i1.1329
Bangl. J. Vet. Med. (2007). 5 (1 & 2): 121-124