The efficacy of turmeric extract against experimentally induced <i>Eimeria Maxima</i> infection in broiler
Performance, broiler, Eimeria maxima, turmericAbstract
Broiler is one of the important sources of animal protein. Various feed additives are given to broiler to increase growth in a very short time. However, several diseases cause severe reduction in the rate of growth in chicken. One of those diseases is coccidiosis responsible for immunosuppression in the host. With the property of anti-diarrhea and anti-inflammatory, turmeric is expected to be an alternative for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in particular and general gastrointestinal disease in chickens. The purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of turmeric extract agianst experimentally induced Eimeria maxima infection in broiler. The results showed that administration of turmeric extract with ethanol increases body weight gain, feed efficiency and also reduce mortality.
Bangl. J. Vet. Med. (2013). 11 (2): 93-95
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