Comparative Efficacy of Four Different Solid Phase Extraction Cartridges Used to Determine Tetracycline in Foods of Animal Origin
Solid phase extraction, ELISA, optical density, % bindingAbstract
Four different types of Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridges namely R-Biopharm (RB), Chromabond (CB), Isolute (IS) and Megabond (MB) were used in this study. Control and spiked samples of beef, chicken and shrimp were also used. Optical Density (OD) values of control and spiked samples were measured with the help of Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) reader. Percent binding values for each SPE cartridges were calculated using OD values of respective control and spiked samples. Based on % binding values a comparative study of 4 different Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) cartridges was carried out. Analysis of variance indicated no significant differences among the % binding values considering different samples irrespective of SPE cartridges (P=0.821266, F = 0.201279) or different SPE cartridges irrespective of samples (P = 0.168119, F = 2.180932). From this study, it can be recommended that any of the four SPE cartridges available in the working area can be used for the analysis of tetracycline from foods of animal origin.
Bangl. J. Vet. Med. (2015). 13 (1): 89-91