Role of Transvaginal Ultrasonography in the evaluation of Uterine Fibroids: a regional observation in Bangladesh


  • - Mukthadira Assistant Professor (C.C), Department of Radiology & Imaging, Community Based Medical College Bangladesh
  • MutaTah Hira School of Health and Life Sciences, Teesside University, UK
  • Netay Kumer Sharma Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology & Imaging, Community Based Medical College, Bangladesh, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • ASM Mahbubur Rahman Superintendent, Netrokona Adhunik Sadar Hospital, Bangladesh
  • MA Razzaque School of Computing, Eng. & Digital Tech.,Teesside University, UK
  • Md Zakir Hossain Assistant Professor, Department of Radiology & Imaging, Community Based Medical College, Bangladesh, Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • MN Farzana Medical Officer, Department of Radiology & Imaging, Community Based Medical College Hospital Bangladesh
  • Rubiat Naznin Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology Community Based Medical College Bangladesh
  • Maria Hossain Assistant Professor (C.C), Department of Physiology, Community Based Medical College Bangladesh



Transvaginal ultrasonography, Uterine fibroids


Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas, are the most common uterine neoplasms. Although benig, they can be associated with a significant number of morbidity and are the most common indication for hysterectomy. Transvaginal ultrasonography (TVS) has become essential in the diagnosis and management of the uterine fibroids. TVS provides a detailed examination of uterus and ovaries. However, there is no nation-wide and regional clinical study on the use of TVS for the evaluation of uterine fibroids in Bangladesh. In this work, a cross-sectional study toob serve the role of TVS in the evaluation of uterine fibroids in a region of Bangladesh (Greater Mymensingh). In the diagnosis of uterine fibroids by TVS, we observed that 35(81.4%) cases (out of 43) are fibroids and 8 (18.6%) cases are non-fibroids. In histopathological diagnosis, we found 36 (83.7%) cases are uterine fibroids, and 7 (16.3%) cases are without fibroids. In this study, TVS diagnosed uterine fibroids with a sensitivity of 94.4%, the specificity of 85.71%, the accuracy of 97.6%, the positive predictive value of 97.1% and negative predictive value of 75%. The results demonstrate that TVS has the potential to become a useful imaging tool for the evaluation of uterine fibroids.

CBMJ 2018 July: Vol. 07 No. 02 P: 17-23


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How to Cite

Mukthadira, .-., Hira, M. ., Kumer Sharma, N. . ., Rahman, A. M. ., Razzaque, M. ., Hossain, M. Z., Farzana, M., Naznin, R., & Hossain, M. (2018). Role of Transvaginal Ultrasonography in the evaluation of Uterine Fibroids: a regional observation in Bangladesh. Community Based Medical Journal, 7(2), 17–23.



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