Adaptation of Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory in the Perspective of Bangladesh


  • Lailun Nahar Department of Psychology, University of Chittagong, Chattogram-4331, Bangladesh
  • Md Masud Hossen Munshi Department of Psychology, University of Chittagong, Chattogram-4331, Bangladesh



Adaptation of PANSI


The present study was to adapt the items of the Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory by Osman et al. (1998) as a suitable measure in our culture. The study consisted of the following steps: translation of the scale, language consistency, item analysis, measurement of reliability, and measurement of validity. In the first phase, the scale was translated into Bangla and was checked by 6 judges. According to their suggestions, some modifications were made and the questionnaire was given to two judges for back translation. After assessing their English translation the final form of the scale was prepared. For language consistency, Bangla and English both versions were administered to 20 respondents (10 males, and 10 females). After two weeks same participants were given to reverse version. The result shows that a high significant correlation value of 0.849 represents an index of alternate form reliability affirming the Bangla version as the equivalent of the original English version. For item analysis, the scale was administered to a total of 120 respondents. The internal consistency was measured by computing Cronbach’s coefficient alpha and was found to be 0.846 for Negative Suicide Ideation (NSI) which contains 8 items, and 0.701 for Positive Ideation (PSI) which contains 6 items. Chonbach’s coefficient alpha was for a total scale of 0.739 of the total of 14 items. In the case of the test-retest method, the scale was administered twice on a sample of 30 respondents at an interval of two weeks, and the values of two tests were correlated using Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation techniques. The coefficient for PANSI was 0.739. The test-retest correlation coefficient was significant at a .01 level. In the next phase, the validity of the scale was determined by face and content validity. 95% inter-judge agreement of the scale items affirms the face validity of the scale as measuring what it appears to measure. Expert opinions (inter-judgment agreement) verify the content of the scale as relevant to the broad and significant area of PANSI. Items-total correlation is another indicator of the appropriateness of items as reflective of the content and state of PANSI. These results indicate that the scale is both reliable and valid. However, further studies for determining other forms of validity and establishment of norms are recommended.

The Chittagong Univ. J. B. Sci. Vol. 11 (1 & 2): 12-18, 2023


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How to Cite

Nahar, L., & Munshi, M. M. H. (2024). Adaptation of Positive and Negative Suicide Ideation (PANSI) Inventory in the Perspective of Bangladesh. Chittagong University Journal of Biological Sciences, 11(1), 12–18.


