A study for validating, rectifying and optimizing the flow in the test section of a circulating water channel


  • Kiran George Varghese Assistant Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ship Building, SNGCE, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University
  • Vinay Gopi Nair Junior Naval Architect, XShip Design and Analytics Pvt. Ltd.
  • Avinash Godey Assistant Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus
  • P. G. Sunil Kumar Professor and Dean (Research), Department of Naval Architecture and Ship Building, SNGE, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University




Circulating Water Channel (CWC), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Vanes, Honeycomb Section, Test Section


The Circulation Water Channel (CWC) is an experimental facility available at Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus. A study for comparing the flow pattern and velocity in the test section, for different configurations of the CWC, is complex. To study the flow, a physical model of the CWC, with different configurations, should be made, which in overall is a complicated and time-consuming exercise. But this difficulty can be overcome through using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis, as in this study, where a CFD analysis is done using ‘STAR-CCM+’ software. A CFD model of the existing CWC [corresponding to the 1:4 scale setup at IMUV], is first made, and its validity is checked, by comparing the results of the CFD analysis, against those results obtained from the experimental analysis.

On successfully validating the results, modifications are suggested for rectifying the disturbance which is present in the test section. The test section is the area in the CWC where experimental activities are carried out. In order to carry out the experiments with a certain degree of accuracy, it is important to have a smooth streamlined flow in the test section. To ensure this, a honeycomb structure is positioned such that the flow enters the test section through the honeycomb, which streamlines the flow.

On successfully rectifying the disturbance, studies are carried out to improve the streamlined flow in the test section, for which, different configurations of honeycomb structure are studied. The optimum honeycomb structure, which produces a smooth flow in the test section of a CWC is found out, by conducting analyses for different shapes - i.e. for shapes ranging from rectangular to hexagonal and circular, against different inlet velocities.

The present paper sums up the findings of our earlier research, ‘CFD as a Tool to Validate and Modify the Flow in the Test Section of a Circulating Water Channel’, and ‘Study of Flow in the Test Section of a Circulating Water Channel by Varying the Honey Comb Cross Section’, which were published in the conference proceedings of Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, and Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam, respectively.


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Author Biographies

Kiran George Varghese, Assistant Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ship Building, SNGCE, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

Kiran George Varghese was with the Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus. He is the first rank holder and gold medal winner of the 2016-‘18 M. Tech Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Batch. He is now an Assistant Professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ship Building, at SNGCE, Kolenchery, affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala, India. He is the corresponding author of this paper and can be contacted either at his mail address at kirangeorge93@gmail.com, or at his phone number +91 6282592822.


Vinay Gopi Nair, Junior Naval Architect, XShip Design and Analytics Pvt. Ltd.

Vinay Gopi Nair was with the Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus. He is an alumnus of the 2016-‘18 M. Tech Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering Batch. He is now a Junior Naval Architect, at XShip Design and Analytics Pvt. Ltd., Kerala, India. He can be contacted at vinay.nair17@gmail.com, or at his phone number +91 955877085.


Avinash Godey, Assistant Professor, Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus

Avinash Godey is with the Indian Maritime University, Visakhapatnam Campus, Andhra Pradesh, India. He is an Assistant professor at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, at Indian Maritime University. He can be contacted at avinashgodey@gmail.com, or at his phone number +91 9490489010.


P. G. Sunil Kumar, Professor and Dean (Research), Department of Naval Architecture and Ship Building, SNGE, APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

Prof. (Dr.) Sunil Kumar P. G. is the Professor and Dean (Research), at the Department of Naval Architecture and Ship Building, at SNGCE, Kolenchery, affiliated to APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala, India. An alumnus of the Cochin University of Science and Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, and University College, London, he graduated with the first rank and gold medal, and was awarded a Ph. D. for his studies in the field of ultimate strength and reliability of ship structures. Dr. Sunil can be contacted at snlkmrpg@gmail.com, or at his phone number +91 8281815134





How to Cite

Varghese, K. G., Nair, V. G., Godey, A., & Kumar, P. G. S. (2021). A study for validating, rectifying and optimizing the flow in the test section of a circulating water channel. Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, 18(2), 127–140. https://doi.org/10.3329/jname.v18i2.45982


