About the Journal


The Journal of Ad-din Womens Medical College (JAWMC) focus on patoent and public involvement engaged with clinical, public health and social welfare issues and conduct research in these areas. JAWMC thus welcomes research articles (original, reviews, editorials, case report, letters, news & views, commentaries) including crucial clinic epidemiological protocols, methodologies, particularly those with patient oriented. All submissions are peer-reviewed by researchers/scientists/academics as/whenever required for or, pertaining to the aforementioned clinical & public health issues. Finally, all peer reviewed manuscript is checked and cleared for publication, following a national/international regulation by a panel of editors as shown in journal page having equal weight in editorial decisions. However, we always encourage submission s from anyone who is committed to delivering the patient or public voice in media, public health research both from our AWMCH and elsewhere from Bangladesh or other countries. 

Review Process:

Manuscript submitted to journal of AWMC are reviewed by at least two experts (sometime 3 reviewers are required) and double blinded reviews. Most of these remain volunteer reviewers, invited reviewers and regular members of Reviewer Board during the preliminary check. Reviewers are asked to evaluate the quality of any manuscript to provide their sincere comments after scientifically given opinion and thus recommends either to any external Editor-in-Chief to accept the paper instantly, or with minor revisions, or either major revisions or to reject. Reviewers should disclose any conflicts of interest that may be perceived as bias for or against the paper or authors. Until the article is published, reviewers should keep the content of the manuscript, including the abstract, strictly confidential.  


Accepted papers will be the permanent property of the Journal of Ad-Din Women’s Medical College. By submitting the manuscript, the authors agree that once the article is accepted for publication copyright for their article is automatically transferred to the Ad-din Women’s Medical College, Dhaka.

Conflict of interest

None Declared

CPublication Ethics

We encourage submission s from anyone who is committed to delivering the patient or public voice in media, public health research both from our AWMCH and elsewhere from Bangladesh or other countries.

Publication Frequency

The Journal of Ad-din Womens Medical College (JAWMC) is published twice in a year (July & January)

Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Article Processing Fees

There is no any article processing fees. 

Source of Support

Funded by Ad-din Womens Medical College (AWMC)


Ad-din Womens Medical College (AWMC)