Conflicts of Interest

BSMMU Journal adheres to the uniform requirements on Conflicts of Interest set forth by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).

1. Participants

Conflicts of interest arise when an author (or their affiliated institution), reviewer, editor, or editorial board member has financial or personal associations with other individuals or organizations that may potentially influence their actions in a manner that could introduce bias. It is essential to recognize that the mere existence of such relationships does not necessarily indicate an actual conflict of interest. The potential for conflicts of interest can persist regardless of an individual's belief in whether the relationship impacts their judgment. Financial relationships, such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, payment for expert testimony, and patents, are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and are likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and the scientific value of the research (source: ).

2. Reporting Conflicts of Interest

Each manuscript submitted to the journal should include a section titled "Conflicts of interest," where a statement regarding any conflicts of interest must be provided. The statement should contain the initials of the author(s) along with details of the conflicts of interest. The following examples illustrate the format in which the Conflicts of Interest statement should be presented in the manuscript:

"Conflicts of Interest: We declare no conflict of interest."