Successful Pregnancy Following Repair of Vesicouterine Fistula Following Repeat Caesarean Section: A Case Report
Vesicouterine fistula, menouria, haematuriaAbstract
A lady, para 2, both delivered by caesarean section for prolonged labour, presented with the complaints of menouria and infertility for 3 years following her last caesarean section. She had history of haematuria during menstruation and her menstrual flow is scanty. Her first baby was female and alive, but her second baby was stillborn following prolonged and obstructed labour. This has been continuously blamed by family and others for happening that events. Her fistula was confirmed by ultrasound scan, histerography and cystoscopy. The vesicouterine fistula was treated by local repair with omental patch through transperitoneal approach. Pregnancy following one year of successful repair has turned her from miserable to happiness in life.
BSMMU J 2012; 5(1):76-78