Management of Tooth Resorption by Using Calcium Hydroxide: A Case Report
Resorption, Ca (OH)2, RecalcificationAbstract
In this case report, the treatment of internal root resorption in a 24 years-old male was done by using nonsurgical root canal therapy and the clinical outcome was evaluated. Both the maxillary central incisors were examined clinico-radiographically. On clinical examination, the maxillary incisors were found discolored. Radiographic examination revealed a punched-out radiolucent lesion on the cervical area of pulpal canal of both of the teeth and periradicular radiolucency was also evident. Conservative non-surgical root canal treatment was performed with long term calcium-hydroxide therapy. Following eight months of the treatment, the resorption process was stopped and a calcific bridge was formed at the apex of the roots indicated the evidence of recalcification. Conventional root canal obturation method was implied followed by clinical and radiological evaluation for next two years.
BSMMU J 2012; 5(1):72-75