Effect of age on immediate postoperative tissue reaction following surgical extraction of impacted mandibular third molar
Age, Mandibular third molar, Postoperative, Surgical extractionAbstract
Background: Postoperative morbidity following third molar surgery is affected by a number of factors. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of age on immediate postoperative tissue reactions following mandibular impacted third molar surgery. Objectives: To assess the discomforts after impacted mandibular third molar extraction in different aged patient. Methods: 100 patients, 54 Female and 46 male, aged 18 to 42 years comprised the study materials. Tooth extraction was performed with buccal guttering technique after adequate elevation and reflection of full thickness mucoperiosteal flap. Pain, swelling and trismus were evaluated preoperatively and on 2nd POD and 7th POD. Data was processed and analyzed using SPSS and was compiled and test of significance was done using Chi square (x2) test and un-paired 't' test. Results: Statistical analysis of the data indicated that pain and swelling was significantly less and significant maximum mouth opening was achieved in early aged patient than late age when preoperative and postoperative results were compared. Conclusion: As postoperative immediate tissue reactions are more in late aged patient than younger so impacted mandibular third molar should extract in early age.